Valentine’s Day

Feb. 14 – Valentines Exchange and Party 

We will have a Valentine exchange for the students. If your child chooses to participate, please make sure they bring enough Valentines for every student. Please do not have your child write who the cards are to, just who they are from. It is very time consuming when passing them out. We have 27 students in our class. Students can decorate a Valentine’s box, or something similar, to bring in on that day. I will have a bag to give to students who do not bring a box from home.Students are able to hand out small, prepackaged treats. These treats will be sent home with students and are not to be eaten in class. 
Students will have to have a permission form filled out by parents to receive gift treats. Please fill out the form below as soon as possible: 

Our Valentines party will be from 2:05pm-3:05pm on Tuesday, February 14th.  If you would like to volunteer to help with a game, treat station, craft, or donation please let me know by emailing me back.  

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, February 1 and Thursday, February 2.  Please note: These will be early out days (1:20pm) and there will be no school on Friday (February 3).

Your child has a special presentation to share with you. Please select the date and time that is most convenient for you and your child to attend together. Your student needs to be with you as they will be presenting to you.

Thank you to those who have already signed up for your appointment time.

Please log in to BLOOMZ to select the time that works best for you and your child to attend as they will be presenting their conference to you.

Here is the info to sign up for Bloomz if you have not: Bloomz App

Returning Students Message

Quest families,

If you are planning to have your current student(s) return to Quest Academy for the 2023-2024 school year, and have not yet completed the registration, the deadline has passed and you are currently at risk of losing a position for the upcoming school year. If you would like your student(s) to retain a position at Quest Academy, please follow the instructions below to complete the registration before January 2, 2023

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact Stephanie Wray at

**If you have already completed the registration for your current student(s), you may disregard this message**

Please use a laptop or desktop computer to complete the registration. Our Aspire program does not always work well from a mobile device.

You will log into your Aspire parent portal HERE, or from our website under CURRENT FAMILIES, and register under the existing student ID. Please do not click on the blue box for a NEW student. You will want to click on the green or orange box (see below). 

Once you log into your Aspire parent portal, you will select each of your current students individually by clicking on the box with their name. That will take you to their student Summary page. Once in the student Summary page, you will see a “registration link” such as the one below, located to the right of your student’s name.

After you click on the registration link, please: 

  • Review the Enrollment Information and update or change any information needed. Please note: At least one Emergency Contact is required for each student outside of the Custodial Contacts.
  • Review the Welcome Letter
  • Review each of the 12 agreements and electronically sign when prompted

When you have finished reviewing/signing, you will be taken to the final page where you will see the word “Complete” in green next to each of the agreements. If you see “Incomplete” in red next to any of the agreements, please review and complete that portion of the registration.

If you are not planning to have your student return to Quest for the 2023-24 school year, please contact the school.

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to enroll an additional child (sibling) you will do so during our New Student Enrollment beginning January 3, 2023. 

Thank you!

Message from Administration

Quest families,

With the holidays approaching, we wanted to send a few quick reminders and important information. Please read through this email in its entirety, then feel free to contact us with any questions.

2023-2024 Registration deadline: 

  • If you are intending to have your student(s) return to Quest for the 2023-24 school year, the deadline for registration is this Friday, December 16 at 3:00. Please refer to the previous registration email for more information. If you are unsure of your intent to return, you will still want to register in order to hold a position for your student. If you do not intend to have your student(s) return, please contact the school as soon as possible.

Yearbook cover contest and sales: 

  • The deadline for elementary yearbook cover entries is this Friday, December 16th at 9:00am. (No cover contest for junior high this year) 
  • Yearbook sales for both elementary and junior high are open and available online only. You may access this link in our Online Payments page under CURRENT FAMILIES on the website. Please use the blue Yearbook link ONLY, when purchasing yearbooks. 

Dress down days this week:

  • Thursday, December 15 is Dollar Dress Down DayELEMENTARY ONLY. Our staff will be wearing their ugly Christmas sweaters, so all students who have prepaid or bring a dollar are welcome to join in! (Or wear dress down clothing of their choice)
  • Friday, December 16th is our last school day before the holiday break, an early out (1:20 dismissal) and FREE Dress Down Day. **Our office will be closing early that day, so please be prompt in picking up your students after school. 

Lost and Found/Water Bottles:

  • We have quite a collection of lost and found items, including some really nice water bottles. If you are missing outerwear or water bottles, please come in and take a look before Friday. (Lost water bottles can be found in the lunchroom) Any items not claimed will be disposed of/donated over the break. 

Parking Lot Reminders:

  • Please be cognizant of our parking lot procedures as you are dropping off and picking up your students. Practice safety, patience and consideration, particularly as the weather makes conditions more hazardous. 

Thank you for all you do, and have a wonderful holiday break!