Upcoming Events

BOTH PROJECTS DUE: Wednesday March 16th

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We are preparing for a possible visit from leprechauns!  Please help your child with the project as described on this worksheet below. This is not required but will only take place at home so if your child does not make one at home time will not be given during class to make one. 
Please have your traps ready and back to school by Wednesday March 16th. Leprechaun Trap

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HeredityIn our next science unit, we will be exploring the similarities and differences in characteristics when comparing offspring to parents and siblings to siblings.  This is especially fun for the students if they can bring in pictures of themselves and their families.  If you are able to send in a family photo, or a one page collage of the members of your family in a 
protective plastic sleeve/sheet protector by Wednesday, March 16 , I will hang them up for the students to observe, but not touch.  Bonus points if you have a picture of yourself around your child’s age! :) 

If your children are adopted or in a blended family, your pictures are most welcome!  Even biological families often don’t look like each other and it gives us lots of examples to talk about.

Weekly Reminders

St Patty's Hat1-  Read-A-Thon reading log due March 7th. 

2- Tuesday:  Library Day
    *Library Books due back

3- Friday-Homework Due
    *Spelling and Sort Tests 

4- Remember to stop by the lobby of Q1 and purchase tickets for the Quest Basket Fundraiser.

5- End of 3rd term this Friday.  No school for students. 

6-  Leprechaun Traps due in class on Wednesday, March 16th.  
   (More information will be sent home this week on this activity)

Dr. Seuss Week


Monday—Cat in the Hat Day
Wear a hat to school.

Tuesday –Fox in Socks Day
Wear wild socks today.
Wednesday—Wacky Wednesday
Wear wacky hair to school.

— One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish 
Wear red or blue uniforms.

Friday— Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Wear Spirit shirts with uniform pants today.       

In honor of Dr. Seuss the Book Fair will be open this week, Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm.   Come check out the Book Fair and find great books to read!

Reading Challenge: Win a Bike or iPad!

Join our Reading Challenge during Dr. Seuss Week!  Students can win either a bike or anBike iPad!!

We are pleased to announce that The Farm Bureau has teamed up with Quest Academy to run Dr. Seuss Week and Spirit Week!!  They will be giving away a free bicycle and helmet to the highest reader in grades K-5 and a free iPad mini to the highest reader in grades 6-9!

Please click on, print, and return the forms below:

Read-A-Thon Permission Slip

Daily Reading Log

Weekly Reminders

1– TUESDAY:  Library Dayhanging heart
*Library books due if checked out

    *Homework due

    *Spelling and sort test

3- Scholastic Book Order due February 29th.  Your Scholastic orders help our classroom library earn FREE books.  Orders can be sent to school or click here for easy online ordering, our class code is N8TKQScholastic Book Club

4- Thank you to all of you who have donated.  We have received 5 VIP passes to The Rush Funplex, 10 Movie Grille Passes, Mazerunner DVD, Restaurant Gift Card, Cookie Mixes, Playground ball, and Spa Certificates. 

MANY donations are still needed to fill our 1st Grade STEM Gala basket. Anything goes on this!  Anything, and I mean anything big or small ties into Family Fun.  Please help us make an amazing basket by donating whatever you can.  
Click here for more information:  Family Fun Gala Basket

5– Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels.

6-  Shopping on Amazon?  You can help our school, no extra cost to you, when you make purchases through Amazon, they will donate a percentage to Quest. Click here for details: Amazon

7- Friday is Early Out at 1pm and Dollar Dress Down day (don’t forget to send your child with their $1 if they dress down Friday) !

Quest Night at Zaxby’s

Join us for Quest Academy Spirit Night 
at Zaxby’s in Clinton
1781 N 2000 W
February 16th
Remember to mention Quest Academy and Zaxby’s will donate 20% of your order to Quest Academy!  Thanks Zaxby’s!!

In addition, Zaxby’s wants our students to have great field trips!  They will donate a portion for every kid’s meal purchased when you bring in a flyer.  Click here to print: Zaxby’s flyer

New to Zaxby’s? Click here to view their menu: Zaxby’s menu