Valentine Events


*Don’t forget to have your child bring their homemade Valentine’s boxes to school tomorrow February 12th. Those students who do not have one I will have a brown paper bag they can decorate in the morning. 

Also don’t forget if you would like to bring a valentine for the students in class we have 26 students in our class and please DO NOT write who they are to. This will be most helpful! 

Valentine Party Donations


We really rely on donations in order to do these class parties to purchase sweets and supplies for activities. Currently we do not have more than half of the classes donations. Please donate $2 in the office by tomorrow after school at the latest so the supplies and treats may be purchased.  

Weekly Reminders

1– TUESDAY:  Library Dayhanging heart
*Library books due if checked out

    *Homework due

    *Spelling and sort test

3- Scholastic Book Order due February 29th.  Your Scholastic orders help our classroom library earn FREE books.  Orders can be sent to school or click here for easy online ordering, our class code is N8TKQScholastic Book Club

4- Thank you to all of you who have donated.  We have received 5 VIP passes to The Rush Funplex, 10 Movie Grille Passes, Mazerunner DVD, Restaurant Gift Card, Cookie Mixes, Playground ball, and Spa Certificates. 

MANY donations are still needed to fill our 1st Grade STEM Gala basket. Anything goes on this!  Anything, and I mean anything big or small ties into Family Fun.  Please help us make an amazing basket by donating whatever you can.  
Click here for more information:  Family Fun Gala Basket

5– Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels.

6-  Shopping on Amazon?  You can help our school, no extra cost to you, when you make purchases through Amazon, they will donate a percentage to Quest. Click here for details: Amazon

7- I have two spots left if you would like to meet with me for Parent Teacher Conferences for February, please click here for the Sign up.    
February Parent Teacher Conference Sign

8- Don’t forget that our VALENTINE’S PARTY is Friday, February 12th from 1:30-2:45pm.  Please make your $2 donation as soon as possible to the office for the treats, prizes, drinks, etc.  If you would like to help for the party we would love your assistance.  Our room will be making a cute heart hat craft and decorating them.  We appreciate any who can help that day.  

“Souper” Bowl Challenge

The National Junior Honor Society is having a “SOUPER” bowl canned food drive from February 1st-February 8th.  The collection bins are located just outside of the Q1 and Q2 libraries.  Their goal to collect at least 250 canned food items before Monday, February 8th, will result in the administration doing something WACKY. The NJHS will be donating all of the food collected to the Ogden-Weber Community Action Partnership Food Pantry.  Food must be non-perishable bagged, boxed, or canned.  

They are always running low on the below items if you would like to donate: 
*Macaroni & Cheese
*Spaghetti Sauce
*Chili beans
*Canned Fruits  

100th day, Valentine Party, & Parent Teacher Conference

100 days of schoolThe 100th Day of School lands tomorrow on Wednesday, February 3 and we are excited to celebrate!  Each child is welcome to bring a collection of 100 items that day to school (100 buttons, 100 signatures, 100 pom poms…) It’s fun to see what 100 of something looks like!  Just a couple guidelines:  * Please let your child only bring in a collection that they can carry and manage by themselves (in fact it would be nice if it could fit in their cubbies-I advised the children it must fit in a quart size ziplock bag).
* No food items (per Quest policy)
*Please no items that have been banned (like Pokemon cards)
*Have fun thinking of a creative or unique collection you want to bring :)
If you have not yet signed the Valentine Party Permission slip please e-signature by clicking here and please also make your $2 donation to the office to pay for the cookies, treats, and prizes.  Click here:  Valentine Party Permission Slip Form 
If you would like to meet with me for Parent Teacher Conferences for February I have two spots still available, please click here for the Sign up:
February Parent Teacher Conference Sign

Weekly Reminders

– TUESDAY:  Library Day
*Library books due if checked out

    *Homework due

    *Spelling and sort test

3- Scholastic Book Order due February 29th.  Your Scholastic orders help our classroom library earn FREE books.  Orders can be sent to school or click here for easy online ordering, our class code is N8TKQScholastic Book Club

4- We have received a large basket!  MANY donations are still needed to fill our 1st Grade STEM Gala basket. Anything goes on this!  Anything, and I mean anything big or small ties into Family Fun.  Please help us make an amazing basket by donating whatever you can.  Click here for more information:  Family Fun Gala Basket

5– Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels.

6-  Shopping on Amazon?  You can help our school, no extra cost to you, when you make purchases through Amazon, they will donate a percentage to Quest. Click here for details: Amazon

7- If you would like to meet with me for Parent Teacher Conferences for February, please click here for the Sign up:  
February Parent Teacher Conference Sign

8- Don’t forget to send your child with their 100 items for the 100th day of school on Wednesday! Click here for more information:  100th Day of School

Hip Hip Hooray it’s almost the 100th day!

100 days of school
The 100th Day of School lands on Wednesday, February 3 and we are excited to celebrate!  Each child is welcome to bring a collection of 100 items that day to school (100 buttons, 100 signatures, 100 pom poms…) It’s fun to see what 100 of something looks like!  Just a couple guidelines:  
* Please let your child only bring in a collection that they can carry and manage by themselves (in fact it would be nice if it could fit in their cubbies)
* No food items (per Quest policy)
*Please no items that have been banned (like Pokemon cards)
*Have fun thinking of a creative or unique collection you want to bring :)

Family Fun STEM Gala Basket Donations

We have had some awesome parents donate two very large baskets for us for our STEM Gala Auction Basket.  BUT—we still need many donations to continue to fill it.  

It’s competition time! The 1st grade team will be making a Family Fun Activity Basket
. To make this happen, we need some donations from family/friends. Feel free to ask companies for donations, purchase items, or re-gift items. Nothing is too small or too great.  The baskets will be auctioned off via a Silent Auction in conjunction with our Gala!  Baskets will be on display prior to the event in the lobby area of Q1.  The basket donations are due no later than Friday, February 19th.  The STEM Gala is March 21st.  

Thank you so much for all of your support!  With a little help we can put together the best basket and win!  The ideas are endless and there is no idea that we can think of you could donate that wouldn’t fit into our basket theme.  If you know any businesses that you can ask for donations that would be great as well!  The Rush Funplex has already donated 5 VIP All Day Passes for our basket!  All it takes is a phone call.  

Below is a list of suggested items to donate: 

Games: board games, card games, electronic hand held games, wordsearch books, coloring books, etc. 
Baking items:  Cookie mixes, cake mixes, cookie decorating tools, aprons, kids cookbook
Movies/DVD’s:  Kid friendly dvd’s or gift cards to Movie theaters or Netflix, Redbox Codes, movie theater mugs 
Gift cards:  Ice cream shops, sporting events, Fat Cats Card, Sparetime or Fun Plex Gift Cards, Boondocks card, Fast Kart passes, College or Professional Sports Events, High School Sporting Events or Drama/Musical Event tickets, etc.  
Ice Cream Bar Supplies:  Ice Cream toppings, cute dessert dishes, ice cream/dessert maker, etc.