Valentine’s Party Cards & Boxes

Stores are now stocked and ready for Valentine’s Day!  To help you properly prepare for Valentineour in-class celebrations, here are the Quest guidelines for Valentines:

“Per Quest’s wellness policy, all food in the classroom must be pre-approved. Furthermore, parental permission is also required for students to consume food during class parties. Due to this policy—as in years past—student Valentines cannot contain edible items. Suggestions for non-food Valentines include pencils, erasers, bubbles, stickers, etc. Please note that such items, including Valentine cards, are in no way required.”

We have 26 students in our class.  Please, please, please: only write who the Valentine is from – please do not address the Valentines to specific students.  Try to imagine 26 six and seven-year-olds frantically circling the class, struggling to pass out Valentines to specific students’s desks, and likely struggling with reading the spelling of many students’ names, and imagine one frazzled teacher trying to assist these 26 children in identifying specific students’ names and locating specific students’ desks!  🙂 This mental image will help you to understand why I request that you please only fill out the “from” part of the Valentine card and not the “to” part.  Thank you for your help with this! :) 
Valentine Box
Your child is welcome to decorate a box at home and bring it to school for storing Valentines.  It is not a requirement, however, and those students who come without a Valentine box will be given a Valentine folder or bag to keep their Valentines in. 


1st Grade Club

I just wanted to let everyone know that POQA has already randomly picked three students from our class to participate in the First Grade club. If you did not receive an email from me unfortunately your child was not selected to participate. If these students for whatever reason can not pay the $2 fee on time to the office by Thursday, January 21st or can not follow the contract POQA will randomly select another student to take their place. 

STEM Gala Basket Auction

Family Fun Night Basket
It’s competition time! The 1st grade team will be making a Family Fun Activity Basket
. To make this happen, we need some donations from family/friends. Feel free to ask companies for donations, purchase items, or re-gift items. Nothing is too small or too great.  The baskets will be auctioned off via a Silent Auction in conjunction with our Gala!  Baskets will be on display prior to the event in the lobby area of Q1.  The basket donations are due no later than Friday, February 19th.  The Gala is March 21st.  

Thank you so much for all of your support!  With a little help we can put together the best basket and win!  The ideas are endless and there is no idea that we can think of you could donate that wouldn’t fit into our basket theme.  If you know any businesses that you can ask for donations that would be great as well!  The Rush Funplex has already donated 5 VIP All Day Passes for our basket!  All it takes is a phone call.  

Below is a list of suggested items to donate: 

Games: board games, card games, electronic hand held games, wordsearch books, coloring books, etc. 
Baking items:  Cookie mixes, cake mixes, cookie decorating tools, aprons, kids cookbook
Movies/DVD’s:  Kid friendly dvd’s or gift cards to Movie theaters or Netflix, Redbox Codes, movie theater mugs 
Gift cards:  Ice cream shops, sporting events, Fat Cats Card, Sparetime or Fun Plex Gift Cards, Boondocks card, Fast Kart passes, College or Professional Sports Events, High School Sporting Events or Drama/Musical Event tickets, etc.  
Ice Cream Bar Supplies:  Ice Cream toppings, cute dessert dishes, ice cream/dessert maker, etc. 

Reading Passages Link for At-Home Practice

10 ways to become a better reader

Below is a link to some reading passages that are very similar to the ones that your student will be encountering in the upcoming DIBELS test in January.  Please use the “Level 100″ passages to help your student practice for the DIBELS test, which is a very important one-minute timed test.  Even those these are not the exact passages that will be used, exposure to similar passages such as these and a simulation of the actual timed test will prepare your child and help him/her feel more comfortable when they experience the real test. 


Weekly Reminders

This week we will be doing many different learning activities with our students.  We will be having a Pajama Party with watching the movie “The Polar Express” on Thursday, December 17th. Please do not send your child with blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals-we are not allowed to have them due to sanitation.  

 On Friday, December 18th we have our Winter Party 11:30-12:50.  Thank you so much for all of you willing to donate your time and resources to make this possible, the entire first grade team appreciates it so very much!  Please sign the permission slip below if you have not already done so: 

Winter Party and Activities

Pg45c_color1- ***THURSDAY- All Homework DUE

Pajama Party on Thursday to watch Polar Express.  We are unable to have the children bring blankets, stuffed animals, or pillow due to sanitation.

 **FRIDAY-Winter Party 11:30-12:50, Dress Down Day, and Early Out.  

2- TUESDAY: Library Day.  Your child will be bringing home a paper quilt square to complete and return.  It will be used to create a Quest Diversity Quilt.  Information will be coming on Tuesday from our librarian, Mrs. Anderson.  

Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels.

Shopping on Amazon?  You can help our school, no extra cost to you, when you make purchases through Amazon, they will donate a percentage to Quest. Click here for details: 

Winter Party and Reminders

Next week we will be doing many different learning activities with our students.  We will also be having a Pajama Party with watching the movie “The Polar Express” on Thursday, December 17th.  On Friday, December 18th will be our Winter Party.  Please sign the permission slip below: 
Winter Party and Activities

Pg45c_color1- FRIDAY: 
   Homework due
Spelling and sort test
   Ugly Sweater Day (with uniform pants) 
or $1.00 or more Dress Down  (proceeds support our Quest Angel Tree).

Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels.

3-  Shopping on Amazon?  You can help our school, no extra cost to you, when you make purchases through Amazon, they will donate a percentage to Quest. Click here for details: Amazon


Pg44a_color1– TUESDAY: Library day
    Library books DUE
(Several students have overdue books-please turn them in as soon as you can so they can still check out books)

   Tower of Books Challenge

   Homework due
Spelling and sort test

Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels.

4-  Scholastic Book Order due today:  
December 7th.
  Your Scholastic orders help our classroom library earn FREE books.  And books are great Christmas gifts.  If you are ordering books for a gift let me know and I will allow you to come pick them up in the classroom so they can remain a surprise. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is N8TKQScholastic Book Club

Please continue to bring in cardboard tubes for next week’s STEM challenge.

7- Shopping on Amazon?  You can help our school, no extra cost to you, when you make purchases through Amazon, they will donate a percentage to Quest. Click here for details:Amazon 

Zaxby’s and Amazon Give Back

Zaxby’s wants our students to have great field trips!  They will donate to our school $2.50 for every kid’s meal purchased when you bring in a flyer.  Click here to print: Zaxby’s flyer

New to Zaxby’s? Click here to view their menu: Zaxby’s menu

If you are a big Amazon shopper like I am, you may be happy to know that Amazon will donate a percentage of purchases to a charity!  POQA has set up our school to receive donations!
    • How it works:
        • Visit:
        • Log in
        • Choose: Quest Academy Inc (be sure it is the West Haven, Utah one)
        • Use Amazon the way you usually do. It will now say below the search bar “Supporting: Quest Academy Inc.”
        • In the future, instead of going to, you can use
        • Thank you for supporting our school!