Animal Reports

Below is a list of the animals your student has selected to complete their animal report on.  If your child was absent, we assigned them an animal.  Please assist your child in researching their animal. We encourage you to help them find the information in various sources (books, encyclopedias, internet, etc.) rather than stating what they know or believe to be true.  
Click here to learn about your animal on the Hogle Zoo website: 
Meet the Hogle Zoo Animals.
Here is another fun animal website: 

Encourage your child to use their best handwriting. The reports will be shared with the class on Friday, September 16th.  Your child may find it beneficial to practice reading their report to you prior to reading it for our class.  Included in their blue homework folder on Friday was the animal report form and a scratch writing paper with the student selected animal. Click here to print additional report formsMy Animal Report

Heath: Amur Siberian Tiger    
Daxton: Chilean Rose Haired Tarantula
Lillian:  Great Basin Gopher Snake
Miranda: Bornean Orangutan
Hannah: Cheetah
Abbey:  California Sea Lion
Liberty: Baby Bornean Orangutan
Daniela:  Cheetah
Aurora: Cheetah
Gunnison:  Leopard
Zoey:  Zebra
Dax:  Scorpion
Lincoln:  Cheetah
Keaton: Polar Bear
Kyler:  Cheetah
Joseph:  Honey Badger
Bridger:  Chilean Rose Haired Tarantula
Emma: African Lion
Kannon:  California Sea Lion
Kiya:  California Sea Lion
Connor:  Star Fish
Litzy:  Penguin
Claire: Zebra
Caige:  Chilean Rose Haired Tarantula
Elijah:  Giraffe
Jasmine:  African Elephant

Hogle Zoo Field Trip

zooWe finally heard back from the Hogle Zoo. We were not able to get Friday the 16th due to bus conflicts.  However, Our new field trip date is confirmed and scheduled for Thursday September 22nd! We will be leaving the school at 9am and getting on the buses at the Hogle Zoo to come back to the school at 1pm. So hopefully this still works with some of your schedules. 

If you are able to come and volunteer please send Mrs. Nelson an email. The first 5 people to respond saying that they want to ride the bus will have the opportunity to ride with us. The rest will need to drive separately. Younger siblings can come with you as long as you drive separate and plan on paying for them. Chaperones will need to bring a backpack to carry lunches for their group and bring a sack lunch for themselves.

Please plan on students wearing red shirts and uniform pants to the zoo with good walking shoes. Let us know if you have any questions. Students will need to bring a sack lunch from home that does not require a microwave.


Sign Up for Text Alerts/Notifications

TEXT NOTIFICATIONS: We strongly encourage you to sign up for text notifications.  ThisText Cell phone copy will allow us to send reminders, last-minute updates, etc. by text to your cell phone, and parents from our past classes have LOVED this!  To participate in receiving text message reminders, follow these instructions:
  1. Simply send a text to 81010 with the message @nelsonhill
  2. To opt out at any time, simply send a text to 81010 with the messageunsubscribe@nelsonhill

Volunteer Sign Up

For those parents/guardians who did not see the volunteer sign up sheet at back to school night here are the following things that you can sign up for. Please email me if you are available or willing to help out. Thank you to all of those who have already signed up for volunteering and those already coming in to volunteer.  

Room Parent 
1 volunteer 
Co-Room Parent
1 volunteer

Field Day
Friday, May 26th 8:30am-1pm
Need 2 volunteers 

Parking Lot (HOV) Thursdays 3-3:30pm
Need 1 volunteer or 2 to switch off

Morning Centers Help 9-10:30am

Scholastic Book Orders

i love reading_boy3b_Happy Doodle Class
We are excited to utilize the Scholastic Reading Club program in our classroom this year.  Ordering books for your children through this program gives our class points towards free books that your child will utilize in the classroom throughout the year.

Our first book order will be due Wednesday, August 31st
.   The Scholastic Book order link is located on the sidebar of our class blog (look for the red box) or simply click here: Scholastic Reading Club.  Ordering online is fast and easy, our class activation code is: N8TKQ.  Online ordering allows you to shop all the books, not just the select books in the current flyer.

At Quest Academy we use Guided Reading to determine the level of our students reading ability.  Scholastic provides an option to shop by Guided Reading Level (GRL).  This is a great way to help provide your students with books that are on their reading level.  

Homework Folders

Homework folders went home with your child in their backpacks today.  We are working at our students developing good habits of taking care of them for the entire year and returning them every single morning.  We were able to level all of our students on our take home reading books and that will begin in 2 weeks.  Please make sure to remind your students to bring them back every day as part of our morning routine.  We also will begin computer work next week and your students must have their over the head headphones labeled and at school.  We thoroughly enjoy your students and look forward to seeing them grow in learning this year.

Homework and Lunch

homeworkHere is a quick glimpse at our upcoming homework start dates:

August 22-26: No Homework 
August 29-September 2:  Reading Log
(20-30 minutes reading per day)

September 5-9: Reading Log (20-30 minutes reading per day)

September 12-16
:  Sort work homework begins
(Reading Log, Math & High Frequency words)

The blue homework folder has a page about the daily sort work, more information will come.  This does not begin until September 12.  Also, in the blue homework folder is the list of high frequency words.  Week 1 will be practiced and tested September 5-9.  Students need to be able to read and spell these words.

lunch boxLUNCH 
For those students bringing home lunch; Please spend some time this weekend helping your student practice independent lunch preparation.  For example; 
How to open containers and packages (i.e. opening pudding cups, putting straws in juice boxes, etc.)
How to properly and safely use a microwave (i.e. paper towel under food, how long to cook it, how to remove the hot food, what NOT to put in a microwave, etc.) 
How to prepare microwaveable meals. A common problem that occurs is children neglect to add water to microwaveable meals, like easy mac.  This results in burnt lunch, a stinky school, and a very sad child.
What to keep and what to throw away (i.e. keep tupperware, please throw away opened juice box even if not finished, etc.)

**Please remind your student, that for health reasons, students are NOT to share their food or take food from other students.  Thank you.

Home lunch students are welcome to purchase milk or chocolate milk.  Click here to add money to your child’s lunch account for purchasing school lunch or just milk:Quest Academy Lunch Payments

What’s for school lunch?  Click here to view the monthly menus: Quest Academy Lunch

Parents of new students!

We are very excited to welcome our new students into our first grade class!  We will have an amazing year ahead of us! 

In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to our blog by clicking on “Subscribe to our Blog” (found on the right sidebar).   In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our Class Disclosure and our 2016-2017 Supply list.   

You will also want to click the following link below and e-sign for our entire school year’s activities so that your child doesn’t miss out on any fun events.  We look forward to seeing you at Back to School Night on Monday, August 15th!

Permission Slip click here:  Yearly 1st Grade Permission Slip 

Final Week Schedule

Please return all baggy books also known as “Reading for All Learners”.  ***See below if you have damaged or lost your baggy book

No Homework this week.

   K-2nd Grade Talent Show

THURSDAY, MAY 26- Early Out 1pm
   Yearbook Signing  

FRIDAY, MAY 27- Early Out 1pm
   FIELD DAY-wear sunscreen, hat, bring water bottle.   Free Dress Down (1st Grade wear RED.  Meet the 2nd Grade Teachers.
School lunch will not be available.  Please send a home sack lunch-no microwaves will be available.

Please know that these Book Buddy books are purchased in sets, so when a book is missing, an entirely new set must be purchased to replace it.  These sets cost between $35-$40 to replace, depending on which set it is.  Please plan on submitting $35 to the office by Friday of next week (May 27th) if you are unable to locate your Book Buddy book so that we can be prepared with book supplies for next year’s students.  Thank you so much for your help with this!

Sunglasses and Final Practice

Our students accomplished a lot this morning and got to pop their countdown balloon for tomorrow’s activity!  They get to wear sunglasses in the classroom because they are so cool!!!! :o)  

But—even more important is our final practice before our Patriotic Performance: 
Please make sure the kids practice their songs tonight!  And remind them that they need to be in expectation throughout the performance.  

First Grade Patriotic Concert on Thursday, May 19th  5:30-6:30pm in the Junior High gym (Q2).  Students arrive by 5:15pm, dressed in a RED SHIRT and uniform pants.  Any patriotic accessories are encouraged!! (Please avoid any tall accessories, such as tall hats, that could potentially block the view of other children standing behind your child.)  For those students that have speaking parts in costume, please have your student also wear their costume to school on Friday morning and change into their uniform clothes after our assembly.  

We would like to honor the veterans in attendance, so we encourage you to invite any family or friends who have served in the military to join us.