Homework 10/8 – 10/12

Homework this week is due on Friday, October 1st:

1- Math Homework: 
  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder tomorrow (Monday).  This week’s math activity is a review of the same math activity from last week. Please have your student review it as the students still need some extra work on it.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together. If you need a replacement, here is the letter below: Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at 12.26.18 PMScreen Shot 2018-10-07 at 12.26.34 PM
  • ***Parents, please WRITE YOUR SIGNATURE on the math homework, indicating you did this activity with your child**
*These are due on Friday.  When students return this letter with their name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child), the student will be entered into our treasure chest drawing. 

2- Daily Reading Fluency (available in the Green Homework folders on Mondays). Please complete both sides of the Leveled Daily Reading Fluency assignment. One of the benefits of the leveled readers is the opportunity we have to adjust to meet individual student needs. Feel free to write a note if the reading passage is not a good fit for your student (too easy or too hard). Please consider both reading fluency and reading comprehension when requesting a more challenging passage. 
3- Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.
Below is what we are working on this week in language arts: 
Unit 1 Week 5 Parent Newsletter

Homework 10/1 -10/5

Homework this week is due on Friday, October 1st:

1- Math Homework: 
  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder tomorrow (Monday).  This week’s math activity is a review of the same math activity from last week. Please have your student review it as the students still need some extra work on it.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together. If you would like to print the letter you may do so below by clicking on the pictures: 
  • ***Parents, please WRITE YOUR SIGNATURE on the math homework, indicating you did this activity with your child***
Screen Shot 2018-09-28 at 8.48.23 PMScreen Shot 2018-09-28 at 8.48.33 PM

*These are due on 
Friday.  When students return this letter with their name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child), the student will be entered into our treasure chest drawing. 

2- Daily Reading Fluency (available in the Green Homework folders on Mondays). Many of your students will be doing the same fluency passage based on comprehension. Please complete both sides of the Leveled Daily Reading Fluency assignment. One of the benefits of the leveled readers is the opportunity we have to adjust to meet individual student needs. Feel free to write a note if the reading passage is not a good fit for your student (too easy or too hard). Please consider both reading fluency and reading comprehension when requesting a more challenging passage. 
3- Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.  Also included in your child’s green homework folder is their test results of their recent Dibels reading tests with me and what items they can work on at home to become more successful, capable readers.  Feel free to work on the items suggested on this test diagnostic.  

Homework 9/24 – 9/28

Homework this week is due on Friday, September 28th:

1- Math Homework: 
  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder tomorrow (Tuesday).  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together. If you would like to print the letter you may do so below by clicking on the pictures: 
  • ***Parents, please WRITE YOUR SIGNATURE on the math homework, indicating you did this activity with your child***
Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 5.33.50 PMScreen Shot 2018-09-24 at 5.34.05 PM

*These are due on 
Friday.  When students return this letter with their name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child), the student will be entered into our treasure chest drawing. 

2- Daily Reading Fluency (available in the Green Homework folders on Mondays). Some of your students will be doing the same fluency passage based on comprehension. Please complete both sides of the Leveled Daily Reading Fluency assignment. One of the benefits of the leveled readers is the opportunity we have to adjust to meet individual student needs. Feel free to write a note if the reading passage is not a good fit for your student (too easy or too hard). Please consider both reading fluency and reading comprehension when requesting a more challenging passage. 
3- Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.  Also included in your child’s green homework folder is their test results of their recent Dibels reading tests with me and what items they can work on at home to become more successful, capable readers.  Feel free to work on the items suggested on this test diagnostic.  

Homework 9/17 – 9/21

Homework this week is due on Friday, September 21st:

1- Math Homework: 
  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder on Monday.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together.
  • ***Parents, please WRITE YOUR SIGNATURE on the math homework, indicating you did this activity with your child***
Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at 4.21.54 PMScreen Shot 2018-09-17 at 4.22.07 PM

*These are due on 
Friday.  When students return this letter with their name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child), the student will be entered into our treasure chest drawing. 

2- Daily Reading Fluency (available in the Green Homework folders on Mondays). Please complete both sides of the Leveled Daily Reading Fluency assignment. One of the benefits of the leveled readers is the opportunity we have to adjust to meet individual student needs. Feel free to write a note if the reading passage is not a good fit for your student (too easy or too hard). Please consider both reading fluency and reading comprehension when requesting a more challenging passage. 
3- Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.  Also included in your child’s green homework folder is their test results of their recent Dibels reading tests with me and what items they can work on at home to become more successful, capable readers.  Feel free to work on the items suggested on this test diagnostic.  

Homework 9/10 – 9/14

Homework this week is due on Friday, September 14th:

1- Math Homework: 
  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder on Monday.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together.
  • ***Parents, please WRITE YOUR SIGNATURE on the math homework, indicating you did this activity with your child***
Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at 10.06.57 PMScreen Shot 2018-09-06 at 10.07.08 PM

*These are due on 
Friday.  When students return this letter with their name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child), the student will be entered into our treasure chest drawing. 

2- Daily Reading Fluency (available in the Green Homework folders on Mondays). Please complete both sides of the Leveled Daily Reading Fluency assignment. This first passage was determined by analyzing student data from kindergarten, if available.  One of the benefits of the leveled readers is the opportunity we have to adjust to meet individual student needs. Feel free to write a note if the reading passage is not a good fit for your student (too easy or too hard). Please consider both reading fluency and reading comprehension when requesting a more challenging passage. 
3- Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.

Homework 9/4 – 9/7

Homework this week is due on Friday, September 7th:

1- Math Homework: 
  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder on Monday.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together.
Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 10.40.13 PMScreen Shot 2018-08-28 at 10.41.25 PM

*These are due on 
Friday.  When students return this letter with their name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child), the student will be entered into our treasure chest drawing. 

2- Daily Reading Fluency (available in the Green Homework folders on Mondays). Please complete both sides of the Leveled Daily Reading Fluency assignment. This first passage was determined by analyzing student data from kindergarten, if available.  Due to the Monday holiday, students will only complete 3 days this week. One of the benefits of the leveled readers is the opportunity we have to adjust to meet individual student needs. Feel free to write a note if the reading passage is not a good fit for your student (too easy or too hard). Please consider both reading fluency and reading comprehension when requesting a more challenging passage. 
3- Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.

Homework for 8/28-8/31

Homework this week is due on Friday, August 31:

1- Math Homework:  

  • A letter titled “Dear Family” will be sent home in your child’s green take-home-folder at the beginning of each week.  It provides an activity to do together.  Please read the letter and invite your child to share what they know about the concept by doing the activity together.  This is the digital letter for this week: 

Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at 9.09.19 AM
*These are due on 
Friday with students name and a parent signature (indicating a parent read it and did the activity with their child).

  • Optional: for extra math practice, play any of these Math Fact Activities
  • ***Our class code on Freckle is 9sjajy

2- Reading 20 minutes per day.  No need to submit minutes, but we strongly encourage you to make reading a priority. Reading comprehension strategyHelp your child read a story and then retell the events from the story in the correct order.

Homework 5/14-5/18

Homework this week is as followed below: 

  • Fluency: Practice your addition and subtraction facts using “Freckle” Math on the internet (No timings this week)

Go to: student.freckle.com

Type in your name and use our classroom code: gvfvkc

  • Choose “Math”
  • Find “Fact Practice”
  • Spend a few minutes earning coins for your piggy!
  • Choose any other Domains under Math and practice for fun!


1-– Reading 20 minutes per day.   There are no reading fluency passages this week. Please have your student complete 20+ minutes of reading with anything of their choice.  

If your child is absent please have them complete a Waterford session and/or an Imagine Learning session.   Thank you.  

Click here to access Waterford: Waterford
Click here to access Imagine Learning: Imagine Learning

Homework 5/7 – 5/11

Homework this week is due on Friday, May 11:

Math Homework:  

  • Review Worksheet: Please complete EVERY problem (About 4 problems a night) for review. Click the links below to print the Math Review Page for this week:
 Mountain Math Review
Mountain Math Answer Page 1
Mountain Math Answer Page 2

  • Fluency: Practice your addition and subtraction facts using “Freckle” Math on the internet (No timings this week)

Go to: student.freckle.com

Type in your name and use our classroom code: gvfvkc

  • Choose “Math”
  • Find “Fact Practice”
  • Spend a few minutes earning coins for your piggy!
  • Choose any other Domains under Math and practice for fun!


1-– Reading 20 minutes per day.   There are no reading fluency passages this week. Please have your student complete 20+ minutes of reading with anything of their choice.  

If your child is absent please have them complete a Waterford session and/or an Imagine Learning session.   Thank you.  

Click here to access Waterford: Waterford
Click here to access Imagine Learning: Imagine Learning

Class code:  gvfvkc

Homework 4/30-5/4

Homework this week is due on FRIDAY, May 4th:

PRINT THIS Homework Tracker 

  • Worksheets: Please look in your child’s green folder on Monday for worksheets with concepts that have been taught in class.  The purpose of this homework is for a quick review, some practice, and a chance for parents to see what their child is learning in math.  Please complete every other problem (alternate between evens and odds so your child gets practice doing story problems AND “Vocabulary Check”/ “Test Practice” problems each week).  If your child wants to do every problem they are certainly free to do so!  :) Please help your child read the directions/example problems and allow them to talk about the problems as they figure out the answers. 
  • Math Fluency Timings: Click Math Timings Tracker ( I have highlighted the box yellow on the one your child is at) to see where your child is at on math timings.Then print the page of timing they are working on. Addition and Subtraction Fluency Timings. Print the page they are working on and put it in a sheet protector in your child’s green folder. Time them for 1 minute and 15 seconds twice. Have them use an expo to write their answers that way you can reuse sheets. 

  • HARDER TIMINGS: If your child has passed off all the other timings here are some new timings I made. They should not have to regroup and should be able to either count on, count back, or know it by heart. Print off Harder Math Timings 10-20.  Here is the tracker to know where your child is at Math Timings Tracker. Time them still for 1 minute 15 seconds. Please let me know if you need help with anything.  

You can review the picture below for the week at a glance.Unit 6 Week 4 Parent Newsletter

1- Daily Reading Fluency 
***Reading Homework***:  
Students need to log in to Imagine Learning and complete 2 sessions a week as part of their daily 20+ reading minutes a day.  They may do this more than the required 3 sessions if they’d like.  Each session is 20 minutes long. We have logged in several times at school so they should be familiar with it.  Their username is their first name.last name and their computer sign on password. 

So if my name was John Doe it would like like this: 
username: john.doe
password: jd332
Server ID:

Click here to access Imagine Learning: 
Imagine Learning

2- Reading 20+ minutes per day.  Track your daily reading minutes on the homework tracker sheet.  Make reading every single day a priority.  Make sure to record your minutes you were on Imagine Learning as your reading minutes.

3- One more week of reading fluency passages.  

4- Phonics and High Frequency Words Homework. Practice using any method of your choice to prepare for the weekly spelling test. Click here for some practice ideas: Spelling Study Activities.

**If your child is absent please have them complete a Waterford session, Imagine Learning session and do a few activities on Wonders. The activities on Wonders are connected to our daily lessons. Thank you. **

Click here to access Imagine Learning: 
Imagine Learning

Click here to access Waterford:
Click here to access Wonders: 