Welcome to 1st grade!

Screen Shot 2018-06-19 at 10.07.46 PMI am so very excited to welcome our new students to our class for the upcoming school year!  I can’t wait to get to know you all better, and if you see me out and about, please come and say hi!  In anticipation of the upcoming school year, please subscribe to my blog using the button on the right side bar, this will be my primary method of communication. 

 I have attached our 1st grade Yearly Permission Slip to sign here below as well as some of our volunteer opportunities to get those volunteer hours in.  In order to help simplify the process of activities and permission slips needed. Please e-sign the form below for your student for our yearly activities: 

1st Grade Yearly Permission Slip 
Volunteer Opportunities

There are just a couple upcoming dates to be aware of. 
Back to School Night is Friday, August 17th at 5:30 p.m. 
The first day of school is Tuesday, August 21st. 
School is early out release Tuesday, August 21st through Friday, August 24th at 1:30pm.  

There are 2 options for classroom supplies donations this year.  You may pay the office $35 and I will purchase all school supplies, or purchase the items separately and bring to school on Back to School Night. Here is the link for the supply list:  It’s also very important that your student have over the ear headphones and a backpack without wheels, and please only label your student’s headphones and backpack.  All other supplies will be general supplies in the classroom.

Library & Weekly Reminders

Owl On BooksLibrary books are due every Wednesday.  

Checking out books from our school library is a privilege. To check out books students are expected to:

1- Follow the library rules (be respectful, follow directions, use a library voice, etc.)
2- Return library books (no outstanding books)
3- Select a book during the allotted time

1- Scholastic Book Order.  Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is N8TKQScholastic Book Club

We are doing a S.T.E.M Challenge this month for which we need some cardboard tubes, so please consider dropping them into your child’s backpack to donate to our class by Wednesday, February 21.

3- Elementary y
earbooks on sale now for only $17! Only online orders accepted.  Order until March 22, 2018. Click here to pay: Yearbook Online Orders

4- Daddy Daughter Masquerade Ball Friday, February 23. Tickets available now online at: POQA Online Store or they can be purchased on February 20th before and after school.

We’re Publishing a Book!

We are publishing a professionally-bound book!  Two pages of the book will be created solely by your own child!

You have the opportunity to order a copy of the book.  You may choose to order a standard-bound copy for $19.95 (features full-color printing and a glossy 8.5 x 11″ hardcover) or a deluxe-bound copy for $24.90 (features an 8.5 x 11″ matte cover for a sophisticated smudge-resistant finish and is bound with thicker, more durable cerulean blue end-sheets). Keep your eye out for a yellow paper with an order form coming home in your child’s backpack on Monday, March 6th.  

Orders must be turned in to our classroom no later than TUESDAY, MARCH 14th. If we receive ALL order forms back by the deadline (including those checked “NO, I am not interested…,”) our class will receive a free copy of the book to add to our classroom library!

There is an option to pay online. You will need to record the authorization code you receive after payment on the paper order form. It is necessary for us to have the signed paper form whether you order or not. Click here to order online: Published Book Online Payments