Last library book check out will be next week on Monday, April 29th. All books are due back the following Monday morning of May 6th. If your child has lost or damaged their library book and needs to pay for replacement, please pay the office no later than May 6th. We want to be the first class to return all of our library books. **If your student does not have their library books returned or paid for replacement by this date, they will be helping Mrs. Anderson in the library during their field day**
Tuesday: Field Trip to the Hogle Zoo –Be on Time, Buses leave at 8:45!
Friday:$1 Dress Down – Early Release 1:10
Week of May 6 – Acadience Math & Reading Tests
Week of May 13 – Math & Reading Diagnostic. April/May reading log due.
Friday, May 17. – Final class store
Tues., May 21 – Field Trip to Dinosaur Museum (more info. to come) *Chaperones will be needed – We are riding the front runner.
Weds., May 22 – Field Day
Fri., May 24 – Last Day of School
Field Tripto the Zoo –ThisTuesday – *Wear RED uniforms tops We will be leaving the school on buses at 8:45 and returning at 2:15. If your child is bringing home lunch, please make sure it is completely disposable, including the bag, and labeled with their name.Please do NOT send money with your child. They will NOT be allowed to purchase food, drinks, or other items at that zoo.
Due to high bus costs, we are asking for a $5 donations from each student. If you are able, please pay at the front office.
Chaperones: Meet us at the zoo at approximately 9:30. Please bring a backpack to help carry lunches. You can roam the park and eat whenever. Meet back at the entrance at 1:15. You are welcome to sign your child out at that time if you wantthem to ride home with you.
Reading in Class: We are learning how to ask and answer questions when trying to find the key details of a text. PHONICS: We are learning how to identify silent e syllables.
Math in Class:We are continuing in our geometry unit. This week we will be learning how to partition shapes into equal shares. Please see the family letter below and consider doing the activity with your child at home.
Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) :
**Please read with your child. Your child should be reading 20 minutes a day, at least 5 times a week. Consider using the short stories that were sent home in the reading packetto read and reread. As your child reads each night, they can color in the picture. The April / May coloring page can be turned in the week of May 13, and they will receive class money to spend at our final Class store.
The State has an amazing program called Kids Read Now! This program allows our students, Kindergarten through 3rd Grade, to select FOUR FREE BOOKS to read during the summer (they’ll be shipped to your house). The intent is to encourage reading during the summer months and to help students maintain their reading skills. Orders will only be fulfilled once we have indicated that every child has made their selections. Please click here for an instructional video on selecting and receiving these books. This link will also be available on your student’s class blog. Please select your books by Friday, May 3rd . Thanks for all you do. Happy summer and happy READING!
Due to an unforeseen system glitch at the zoo, our scheduled field trip for May has been rescheduled for Tuesday, April 23rdby the zoo.
We know this does not give us a lot of time for chaperones to get work off. We appreciate all of your support and would love to have any of you chaperone that can.
We are going to the zoo on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. We will be leaving the school on buses at 8:45 and returning at 2:15. School lunches are provided for school lunch daily cost, please mark if you would like one for your child. If you choose to send your child with a home lunch, please make sure it is completely disposable, including the bag, and labeled with their name.
Due to high bus costs, we are asking for a $5 donations from each student. If you are able, please pay at the front office.
Please have your students wear their red uniform shirts with their uniform pants/shorts on **TUESDAY** for our Hogle Zoo field trip.
Volunteer info: Unfortunately, we learned today that all volunteers due to bus space will need to drive separately and meet us at the zoo. Volunteers will need to pay for your own entry of $21.95. We do get 5 adult tickets per class. I will let you know if you are one of the five in a later email. Otherwise, please plan to pay for your entry at the Zoo before we arrive. Volunteers must be prepared to stay with their group at all times, bring a backpack to hold lunches, and bring your own personal lunch. We ask that you do not bring siblings, so your attention is on our students. You will need to drive yourself and meet at the zoo at 9:30am with a ticket purchased. We will plan to leave the zoo at 1:15pm. At that point, volunteers are welcome to check out their children with me at the bus and go home.
***Please use this LINK to fill out the google form ASAP*****
This past Friday, I sent home passages with the students to practice with. It is so important to read every day and ask your student to retell you in sequence what happened in the story in their own words.