Mission to Mars

Hello Parents and Students –
Wow… busy week last week AND it is not going to slow down yet! First, our students did some awesome plays. All my kiddos did great whether they were acting, directing, or helping out a fellow classmate. Academy Awards for the plays will be next week during class. WITH THAT, they all did FABULOUS!
Mission to Mars was a new experience for me and my students. I want to thank all the parents who supported while we were there and at home support to prepare them. It was strong competition and I felt ALL my groups did amazing at every event!
This week April 30 – May 6 we have Sage testing starting. Please remember to get plenty of rest and eating a good breakfast. We are all ready! The kiddos have been working so hard to prepare for this test and I know they will do AWESOME! Remember to keep on your “Testing Face” and do your BEST!
In class we will try to maintain as regular of a schedule as possible. We will still have library for two more weeks and STEM. Keep working on those State Floats at home, but most of the research is still getting done in the classroom. State Floats will be due on May 10. Parents you are welcomed to see them on that day from 2:15 – 3:00. They will be displayed in the 5th grade classrooms.
Thank you so much for your help and support,
Mrs. Young

Thanks for all the parents pics of Mission to Mars:
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About angie.young

Hi - My name is Mrs. Young. I am excited to start a new adventure teaching at Quest Academy. I have taught previously in Weber School District in 2, 3, 4, and 6th grades. This will be the start of my 13 year. I also taught in Ogden District, before receiving my Bachelor's of Science, in special education preschool and long term subbing for math in the Jr. High Schools. My hobbies are my family!!! AND singing and acting. I have always loved art and theater. I hope to incorporate art into the technology and science to help our young minds expand to new measures. My family has been part of the education system since I was born. I have always been taught to have a passion for learning and growing. I am very excited to help my students this year to achieve all their goals and never stop fulfilling their passions in life. Welcome to 5th GRADE!!!
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