Talent Show Sign ups!

Here is the link to sign up for the talent show! I am looking forward to seeing all your acts!

Talent Show Sign up
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Confusion on Videos message from Advisors

“There has been some confusion as to when the student council videos are due. As long as I have them MONDAY MORNING, you are good. It is easiest to upload your video to Google Drive, then SHARE it to my email: acashin@questac.org

Let me or Mrs. Pfister know if you have any questions!”

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All Student Council Candidates:

Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at 2.10.24 PM (3)
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Student Council Interviews

Here are the interviews for Student Council:
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Mission to Mars

Hello Parents and Students –
Wow… busy week last week AND it is not going to slow down yet! First, our students did some awesome plays. All my kiddos did great whether they were acting, directing, or helping out a fellow classmate. Academy Awards for the plays will be next week during class. WITH THAT, they all did FABULOUS!
Mission to Mars was a new experience for me and my students. I want to thank all the parents who supported while we were there and at home support to prepare them. It was strong competition and I felt ALL my groups did amazing at every event!
This week April 30 – May 6 we have Sage testing starting. Please remember to get plenty of rest and eating a good breakfast. We are all ready! The kiddos have been working so hard to prepare for this test and I know they will do AWESOME! Remember to keep on your “Testing Face” and do your BEST!
In class we will try to maintain as regular of a schedule as possible. We will still have library for two more weeks and STEM. Keep working on those State Floats at home, but most of the research is still getting done in the classroom. State Floats will be due on May 10. Parents you are welcomed to see them on that day from 2:15 – 3:00. They will be displayed in the 5th grade classrooms.
Thank you so much for your help and support,
Mrs. Young

Thanks for all the parents pics of Mission to Mars:
IMG_0852 IMG_0864 IMG_0861 IMG_0868 (2)IMG_0853 (1) IMG_0869 (2)

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State Floats

Dear Parents –

The 5th grade would love to invite you to Quest Academy (Q2) on Thursday, May 10 from 2:15 – 3:00 to see the floats that our students have created to go with our State Reports. They will be set up in their 5th grade classrooms.

We also want to thank all parents for their help and support you have shown our classroom and school this year.


Thank you again,


5th grade Team

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Treats for Sage! Old Link was fine

Dear parents – sorry for the confusion.  The link you signed up for last time for treats worked. The information was sent to Ms. Angelee. I am sorry for the confusion. Those who already signed Sage Test Treat form. It is all good. I have those. Again sorry for the miscommunication. If you are worried about the treats because of the confusion. Send me a private email and I will count that too. So sorry again. You do not have to sign the sheet again. I have the previous signatures and documents. It took me a moment to find them.
Thanks again, Sorry this was so confusing. Too much fun stuff going on this time of year. 

PS – MISSION to MARS was a great success!
I will make a post on that shortly!

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Upcoming Events: Thank you POQA

Notification from: Quest Academy

We are so excited to for the following two activities: Mom/Son Dance and Carnival.

Our Mom/Son Dance is coming up next week, Friday April 27th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Ticket are on sale now  for $8 per family online at https://squareup.com/store/poqa and will be available before and after school Wednesday April 25th and Thursday, April 26th. Ticket will be $10 per family at the the door. 

Our Spring Carnival is right around the corner on May 18th. With Quest celebrating our 10th year the Carnival is going to bigger and better than ever. The Carnival committee has been working hard to make this a successful event, but they are in need of volunteers for the day of event. If you are interested in Volunteering at this event please contact Marissa Worley at marissaeworley@gmail.com or801.389.3731 or sign up to help at  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090e4eada722a7ff2-10year 

Attached is flyers about both events. Also, you might need to copy and paste the above links in your browser.


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6th Grade Student Council

Hello Parents –
Today we had a visit from Mrs. Cashin and the student council in the Jr. High. They gave a quick insight for what to expect while trying for student council and the criteria set by the school. The link for the application is at the bottom of the page. Please assist your child to help them perform their very best and to be informed for the responsibilities that the council has.
Thank you so much,

Mrs. Young


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Weekly Update: April 16 – April 20

Hello Students and Parents –
It was a crazy week back for all of us. The students did great getting back into the swing of things, but with my own kids getting sick and cancellation of STEM class I was unable to get out my weekly update. We have hit almost every standard in the curriculum at least once, and now we are continuing to master and review old concepts. 
A few important dates to remember:
  • April 17 – Spring Pictures – (students DO NOT need to wear their uniforms)
  • April 26 – MISSION TO MARS – (I will be sending an email this week to remind all parents. I have many volunteers and if you still want to… that will be great. Just remember to bring your own sack lunch, and I did find out we have some room on the buses if you would like to ride with us or you could drive and meet us up at WSU (9:10)am. It will be held in the building with the gym… (I still need to clarify that information). At this time I have about 8 volunteers. If you choose to volunteer just send me an email saying you would like to go; the more the merrier, but no extra siblings for this trip please. Thank you!
  • April 30 – Our first Sage test!
  • AND count down to the end of the year!!!
Math: Reviewing all topics
Reading: Cause and Effect with Evidential support
Writing: (Final State Report) Organizing an informational paragraph/essay from research and notes.
Science: Understanding Magnets and Magnetism
Social Studies: Geography and other specifics from your chosen state.

*I will continue to do tutoring this week in math. Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have spoken to specific parents on students who need to stay in. If I have not contacted you, but you would like your child to stay after school for extra help or if your child would like to stay and practice the concepts being taught they can.
Time: 3:10 – 3:45

Thank you again for all your help and support this year. I have truly loved being your child’s teacher and my heart has already started to ache knowing the end of the year is drawing near. 
Thank you again,
Mrs. Young
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