Category Archives: 7th Library Skills

Evaluating Websites

For the “Evaluate Resources” part of the Library Skills Blackout assignment, you must evaluate a website to see how reliable the Author, Purpose, and Content are.  To do this, please find a website with information about a potentially-controversial topic*.  Some … Continue reading

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Congratulations to my A2, A3, and A4 classes!!!  Each of these periods has now earned a Game Day in my class.  Classes earn game days by following classroom expectations consistently until 100 points have been earned.  (There are five points possible … Continue reading

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Library Skills Blackout Assignment

Today I introduced all of the remaining assignments for this term to my Library Skills students.  There are nine assignments, and each student must complete at least eight.  In the attachment below you will find the explanations for the assignments.  The Library … Continue reading

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Organizing Fiction/Nonfiction Test

My Library Skills class will be taking an end-of-term test next week to assess their knowledge of, among other things, the Dewey Decimal System.  They took this same test at the beginning of the year as a pretest, and now … Continue reading

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Extra Credit Opportunity

In honor of Banned Books Week, I am offering an Extra Credit Opportunity to my students.  There are two options, but students may only turn in one extra credit assignment.  (If a student has me for two classes, he/she may … Continue reading

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Reader Response Prompts

Throughout the Library Skills class, students will need to personally write monthly Reader Response letters to me about the books they are reading.  Each letter must contain the date, the title of the book, the author of the book, a … Continue reading

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Fantastic 50 Reading Challenge

I recently introduced a program to my students that we are really excited about.  It’s called the “Fantastic 50 Reading Challenge”, and I’ve had a lot of success with it in past years.  The basics of this challenge are as … Continue reading

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First Week Updates

Well, we’ve survived the first week!  In my personal opinion, we actually thrived.  I have been incredibly impressed with my students, and I look forward to getting to know each of them better.  I just want to provide you with … Continue reading

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Extra Credit: Book Drive

Our NJHS Chapter is currently having a book drive.  We’re donating books for kids ages 0-5 to McKay-Dee Hospital, and other books will be set aside for a book sale next fall.  Students may earn 5 points extra credit per … Continue reading

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Scholarship Opportunity

I’ve already told most of my students about this, but the NEA (National Education Association) is offering a Scholarship Opportunity in honor of the 25th anniversary of Oh, the Places You’ll Go.  You may go to and scroll down to “STEAM Scholarship … Continue reading

Posted in 7th ELA, 7th Library Skills, 9th ELA, Q1 & Q2 Libraries | Leave a comment