Homework 9/29-10/3

Monday- Sort words under given headings.
Group #1-yellow sort 10
Group# 2-yellow sort 16
Group #3-yellow sort 28
Group #4-yellow sort 34
Group #5-yellow sort 39

Tuesday-ABC Sort

Wednesday- Letter Sort (# of letters)

Thursday- Speed Sort

Friday- Return math homework with Sort and Reading Log attached.

Homework 9/22-9/26

Monday- Sort words under given headings.
Group #1-yellow sort 9
Group# 2-yellow sort 15
Group #3-yellow sort 27
Group #4-yellow sort 33
Group #5-yellow sort 38

Tuesday-ABC Sort

Wednesday- Letter Sort (# of letters)

Thursday- Speed Sort

Friday- Return math homework with Sort and Reading Log attached.

Homework 9/15-9/19

Monday- Sort words under given headings.
Group #1-yellow sort 8
Group# 2-yellow sort 14
Group #3-yellow sort 26
Group #4-yellow sort 32
Group #5-yellow sort 37

uesday-ABC Sort
Ch 2 L 5

Wednesday- Letter Sort (# of letters)

Thursday- Speed Sort

Friday- Return math homework with Sort and Reading Log attached.

Homework 9/8-9/12

Okay!!!  We are finally having the students do the Words Their Way sorts in their leveled groups. Yay!  I will have the students grouped, and they will know their groups on Monday.  The groups will be numbered #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.  Their group’s sort will be linked to the homework assignment for the week.  The homework will look like this for the rest of the year.

Monday- Sort words by headings indicated
Group #1-yellow sort 7
roup #2-yellow sort 13
roup #3-yellow sort 25
roup #4-yellow sort 31
roup #5-yellow sort 36

uesday-ABC Sort

Wednesday-Sort words by number of letters in each word

Thursday-Speed Sort

Friday- Turn in weekly Homework.  Please attach the Reading and Sort Sign-Off/Accountability sheet.  The administration wants the parents to actually sign-off that the students are completing each sort every night of the week.  I will combine the Reading Log and the Sort Sign-Off onto one page.  Cut it in half and use one half for one week.  You can cut it and attach it to the homework on Friday.  
Sort and Reading Log

September Poems and Great Brains

I hope everyone noticed in the disclosure that the students are expected to pass off one monthly poem for a grade.  I send the poems home with them at the beginning of the months and post a picture of the poems on the blog.  Please start working with your child on the September poems.  They will need to recite them from memory in front of the class.  This is so good for the students!  I know they can do it.  

Also, every student must complete a Great Brain Report each month from a Chapter Book that they are reading at school/home.  The students will need to turn them into me by the end of the month, and they will also need to present them to the class.  So, they need to make sure they can read it independently and practice their report before they turn it in before the month is over.  Thank you so much for all of your support!
September Poems

Accountability with Homework!

I have had some parents ask some questions in regard to homework.  Just so you know, the students are expected to complete all of their Words Their Way sorts each night, but they do not have to write the sorts down.  They do that in the classroom regularly.  I trust that when you (as parents)  sign the Reading Log , you are being honest.  It should just be a quick review at night.  If the students are doing that quick sort each night, it will strengthen the phonics patterns they are working on for the week.  Thank you so much for all of your help and support!

First Week of Homework 8/25-8/29

Welcome to the first week of homework this year!!!  If you need any explanation of the homework listed below for the week, go to the “Homework” tab on the blog (up above).  
Also, if you haven’t subscribed to the blog, please do so.  Thanks!

Monday-Sort words by indicated sorting patterns  yellow sort 44
(Every student is doing the Contractions sort as a class this week.)
ch1 lesson4
Tuesday-ABC Sort
Wednesday-Sort Words by the number of letters in each word
place value ch 1 lesson 6
Thursday-Speed Sort

Friday- Homework due (stapled together) with Reading Log attached

Yay for the 1st full week of school!!!!

Thursday and Friday of last week were just great!  We have the cutest and most well-behaved group of students!  The school rules are that we cannot start homework until August 25th.  So, make sure you subscribe to the blog and get the homework off the blog next Monday (Aug. 25th).  Please make sure that your child is reading at least 20 minutes per night and you fill out and return the Reading Log on Friday.  Have a great week.