Homework for week of 9/23-9/27

Monday- Complete your sort by the categories given (pattern).
Group #1-yellow sort 9
Group #2-yellow sort 15
Group #3- yellow sort 27
Group #4-green sort 3
Group #5-green sort 48

               ABC ORder Sort
                 Open Sort- Sort Words however you would like
               Study Words for Test Tomorrow!!!

Homework: Week of 9/16-9/20

Monday-Sort Sp. Words by the given sorting categories
Group #1-yellow sort 8
Group #2-yellow sort 14
Group #3-yellow sort 26
Group #4- green sort 2
Group #5- green sort 47
Tuesday-Addition Hmwk #4
               ABC Order Sort
Wednesday-Addition Hmwk #5
               Sort Sp. Words by the number of letters in each word
(Ex.: all words with 3 letters in one row, 4 letters in another row, etc…)
Thursday-Addition Hmwk #6
              Study Spelling Word Patterns for Test tomorrow!!!

Make sure to attach the Reading Log for the week to the homework. Reading Log

Homework for Week of 9/9-9/13

Monday- Students sort their words into the categories listed within their sort.
Group #1 yellow sort 7
Group #2 yellow sort 13
Group #3 yellow sort 25
Group #4 green sort 1
Group #5 green sort 46

Tuesday- Addition Lesson 1 Hmwk
                ABC order sort
Wednesday-Addition Lesson 2 Hmwk
                Open Sort (sort however they’d like)
Thursday- Addition Lesson 3 Hmwk
                Study Spelling patterns for test tomorrow!
Homework is due Friday with Reading Log attached (and signed). Please cut into four parts (quarters) and attach/staple one of the four reading logs to the homework.
Reading Log
** Remember that there isn’t anything you can turn in for Word Sorts.  The students are accountable for completing their sorts so they can pass the spelling test (80% or better) and move on to the next sort the following week. **

Homework for week of 9/3-9/6

High Frequency word list2
– read and cut out sort of High Frequency words, then glue them down in ABC order.
Place Value Hmwk 5

Place Value Hmwk 6

Place Value Hmwk 7

Please remember to read 20 minutes every night and sign off in the planner for each night.  Please print off all the homework and complete.  Please remember homework is due on Friday, and it is graded.  Thanks!

I Fixed Homework!!!

Sorry for the confusion!  I changed the homework for Thursday night.  I accidentally named the same document two different names…oops!  Also, the students can either type their sentences for Monday homework or write them on paper you have at home.  I hope that makes sense.
Miss Waddell