Personal Mission Statement Questions

  1. What is the one trait you would like to pass on to your children


  1. List the two most important people in your life.


  1. Give one word to describe each person in question #2.


  1. If you had your own currency, finish the following: “in ____________ we trust.”


  1. Finish the statement: “give me ___________ or give me death.”


  1. List two qualities you seek in a life partner.


  1. Describe yourself in one word.


  1. Finish the statement: “ . . .  life, liberty, and the pursuit of ______________”


  1. What two rules should everyone follow?


  1. Later in life would you rather be married with children or rich and famous but alone? 


  1. What are three things you would do if you knew you would not fail?


  1. Take a moment and reflect on the last time you were really happy in life.  Briefly describe what you were doing, who was there, and how you felt.



  1. Think of the person that knows you the best.  If you were to ask him/her what your three greatest strengths are, what would he/she say?


  1. If you could have dinner with 3 people—living or dead—who would you have dinner with?



  1. If you had the ability to turn back time, what would you change in your life?
  2. What is your proudest accomplishment?


  1. If you were given one million dollars and had to give it to a charity, which charity would you give it to?


  1. What is one thing you would change about yourself?


  1. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing/person, what/who would you save?



  1. If you could ask the creator of all things one question, what would you ask?
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