Journalism Vocab 3


  1. Trade Publications- publications that cater to a specific field of employment or industry, such as engineering, farming, nursing, or even journalism.
  2. Agate- a condensed information, such as advertisements or box scores, set in extremely small type. (approx 5.5pts)
  3. Solicitation- as story and outline, or a proposal for a story, that you want to sell or contribute to be published in a magazine.
  4. Active voice- refers to a sentence construction in which the subject is the agent(the do-er) of the verb. Ex-The farmer(sub) milked(verb) the cow.
  5. Passive Voice- When the subject becomes the target (receiver) of the action (verb). Ex. The cow (sub) was milked (verb) by the farmer.
  6. Present tense- the tense or form of a verb expressing action, activity, state of being, in present time.
  7. Full Circle- taking an item, idea, or character that was present at the beginning of a story and bringing it back at the end.
  8. Feature Story- a center, typically longer, story in a magazine or newspaper. Unlike a news story, it doesn’t have to be tied to a current event. Rather, it can stem from a news event. (Rebuilding after a hurricane, etc.)
  9. How-To/Instructional- publications that instruct readers on how to do something.

10. Author guidelines- are exact specifications of how a magazine wants its stories written and are available by calling or emailing the magazine.

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