
HJ6- List 5 health concerns at school.

HJ7- How does our society address health issues.

HJ8- In advertising, what grabs your attention? Have you ever seen a health claim that is too good to be true?

HJ9- How might your friends describe your personality? Your family? How would these differ?

HJ10- Whose opinion of you matters the most? Why?
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J7-Write about the earliest memory you have.

J8- Describe someone you admire.

J9- List the top 10 foods you could eat the rest of your life.

J10- Write about the songs on your playlist?

J11- Discuss a horrific style trend.
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6 nutrients powerpoint

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Feature Stories

Here is the power-point to brush up on feature articles:

Feature Articles

Here is the list of feature article topics that we brainstormed:

Ideas for Feature Articles

Once you’ve gone over both of these you must choose a topic that you want to write your article on. Choose carefully. Pick something that interests you. Feature articles are in-depth and carefully researched.
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Journalism Agenda 2-13-14


Journal: A10 Find own and summarize/respond.

Go to the link below and read the feature profile on Shirley Temple:


Then pull up the review sheet that we worked from on Tuesday. Can access it here:


…and answer all 12 questions on it for the Shirley Temple Profile. (This is to be done in journal, right underneath A10.)


Next, finish up any peer reviews that need to be finished up.


Then, go to:


…and type up your profile in one of the NEWSPAPER templates. Do not print it. Save!

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Profile Feature Peer Review Worksheet


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Harriet Tubman Vocab 2


  1. Incentive- something that encourages somebody to action. Motivation.
  2. Contraband- illegal imports and exports; illegal trade.
  3. Inauspicious- promising failure or bad luck; discouraging.
  4. Adornment- embellishment, decoration. To enhance.
  5. Inscription– writing, dedication.
  6. Peddling- to sell goods; sometimes illegal things.
  7. Destitute– penniless; lacking necessities of life.
  8. Overseer– a person who directed the work of slaves on a plantation.
  9. Emancipation– to free from slavery.
  10. Meager– lacking in quantity or quality. Lean or thin.
  11. Perilous– full of danger or risk. Exposed to imminent risk of disaster or ruin.
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Six Traits: Ideas

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Harriet Tubman Vocab 1

  1. Abolitionist- a person in favor of abolishing (getting rid of) slavery.
  2. Derogatory – negative; condescending
  3. Slavery- a system based on enslaved labor; the state of being owned or dominated.
  4. Terrain – a piece of land or geographical area
  5. Underground railroad- A secret network of cooperation whereby slaves were helped to reach the North or Canada, where they could be free.
  6. Bounty hunter – people being paid to hunt for runaway, fugitive slaves and return them to their masters
  7. Plantation– an agricultural estate (large farm) cared for by laborers, usually slave laborers.
  8. Conscience – the sense or character that gives a person the feeling to do right or good
  9. Fugitive – people running away from something illegally
  10. Stamina – endurance
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Journals 1-5

HJ1- List 5 things you do on a regular basis to stay healthy.

HJ2- Compare major causes of death today with the major causes of death in the past. 1 paragraph

HJ3- Describe how family members can influence one’s health.

HJ4- Of the six components of health, pick an area that you feel you have a strength in and explain why.

HJ5- How has health II affected your life so far. What, if any, changes have you implemented, or contemplated implementing?
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