Writing Territories~

1. What is your earliest memory? 2. Who are your friends? 3. What are your hobbies? 4. What is your favorite movie? 5. What are some of your accomplishements? 6. What confuses you? 7. What are your pet peeves? 8. What sound do you hate? 9. What sound do you love? 10. What are your dreams/goals? 11. What do you hope to become? 12. What is your biggest fear?
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Spelling 1

Lesson 1~   1. absorption 2. accompaniment 3. accomplice 4. acquiesce 5. acquittal 6. affiliation 7. altercation 8. ambassador 9. ambiguous 10. animosity 11. apparatus 12. approximately 13. austerity 14. authentic 15. authenticate 16. auxiliary 17. benevolent 18. blasphemous 19. bravado 20. camouflage
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spelling 1

Spelling 1
  1. aristocrat
  2. biography
  3. thermostat
  4. octagon
  5. parasite
  6. barometer
  7. chronic
  8. geographical
  9. parallel
  10. pharmacy
  11. biological
  12. dialogue
  13. geological
  14. parable
  15. televise
  16. hydrant
  17. enthusiasm
  18. paralysis
  19. thermos
  20. neon
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Journals 6-10

J6- What did you do over the weekend to stay active? J7- List 5 factors that affect a person’s diet. J8- How did your 5 day activity tracking go? What did you learn about your activity level? Are there changes you could make? J9- Do you get enough sleep at night? If not, what could you do differently to ensure you get more sleep? J10- What do you think about your portion sizes? Too big? If so, how could you change that?
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Journals 6-10

Remember~ This is Creative Writing… each journal entry must be at least 1/2 page. 🙂 J6- You’re at a restaurant. You walk by the kitchen, look in, and see the meat grinder. There is a foot sticking out of it. Explain… J7- You find a wallet in the hallway. You look in it and find $100, and learn that it belongs to your enemy. Now what? J8- You were granted a super power. What would it be and why? J9- You just came home from school and found a box on the kitchen table with your name on it… What’s in the box? J10- Write about a family outing that turned disastrous, or didn’t go as planned.
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Journals 5-9

J5- Is the educations system work? If not, what is the solution? J6- Wht is the biggest conflict in your life right now? How do you think that differs from that of a teenager living in the Middle East? J7- What are your 5 biggest fears? Discuss them. J8- What do you know about Pallestine? Middle East? J9- Free Write
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Journals 5-9

J5- What is something that your parents/siblings do that frustrates you? J6- If you want to make a good impression, what do you do? How does your behavior change? J7- Do you enjoy stories about characters your own age? Why/why not? J8- List the 5 parts of plot. Which part is the most important?  
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Journals 5-9

J5- Does the education system work? If not, what is the solution? J6- Explain the ways in which your peers influence your decision making. J7- In general, do your peers positively or negatively affect your decisions? Discuss a time in which you’ve “caved”. J8- What do you know about Shakespeare… J9- Free Write
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Journals 1-5

J1- What are your 5 favorite/least favorite foods? J2- How do you feel about your Health Inventory results? Your health in general? J3- List 5 diseases you’re at risks for if you’re obese? J4- What food group do you eat the most? Foods? J5- List the three different levels of activity.
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Journals 1-5

Remember- 1/2 page each entry! J1- How do you feel about writing? Strengths/Weaknesses? J2-List 25 things that you did in the summer. Write about one of them. (1/2 page) J3- Describe how you feel using your sense of smell. J4- Write about your favorite memory focusing on all the the smells that were involved. J5- Free Write
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