Homework Oct 9-12

This week’s spelling pattern is digraphs like: ch, th, wh, sh, and ph. For example: chance, rush, whine, thirsty, phone, wish.

We are still working on multiplication. We are going to study 4 digits multiplying by 1, and 3 digits multiplying by 1 number. There will be 2 assignments and a front row fluency for you to do.

Go to Google classroom and do your work there. Keep reading at least 20 minutes each night. See you in the classroom!

Homework Oct. 2-Oct. 5

Hello October. I love fall!
Head over to google classroom for your homework. It will be like last week.
Spelling: This week we are working on prefixes. Examples are: un, re, in, over, pre, sub, super.
Example words would be: unblock, recall, indirect, overact, subway, premix, superheat. We will brainstorm some in class and you can choose some you’d like to work with this week.

Math: There will be 2 assignments for you on Front Row.
Let’s have a great week!

Homework Sept. 25-28

Monday – Library
Thursday – Field Trip (if you have forgotten if you ordered a lunch or not you can ask)

Homework – Front Row I will have two assignments for you online. Go to Classroom Google to do the rest of the work. I changed the homework a little to hopefully benefit goals I have to further student writing.

Spelling – I will no longer be providing you with a list of words to study. Instead I will be providing you with patterns of words we are studying. The reason for this is that there is no academic benefit from the student memorizing a list of words, testing on those words, and then most likely forgetting those words right after they have taken the test. I will provide you with patterns of words we are studying and examples of each. Hopefully, this will help students learn how word combinations sound and be able to spell words they have not previously encountered. This week we are reviewing words from the last 5 weeks.
Week 1: Short vowel sounds: flat, bell, grim, odd, build
Week 2: Long a: faint, ache, slate
Week 3: Long e: indeed, breathe, belief, evening
Week 4: Long i: climb, kite, sly
Week 5: Long o: quote, goal, blown

We will come up with a brainstorm of more ideas in class!

Chaperones for trip

Thank you for the huge interest in attending the field trip. I am sad we cannot take you all. For this field trip we are having Mrs. Kingsford and Mrs. Gonzales chaperone. This field trip keeps us altogether in one large group and I think that is why we are limited on the number of chaperones. I expect to have another trip this year that we will be able to take you all!

Homework Sept 18-22

Hello! Homework is AT HOME this week.
Your child needs to know their google log-in. It is what we have been using IN class to log into classroom google. Please email me if they seem to have forgotten.
Click the link Classroom google on the side where I have it linked or you can type in: classroom.google.com
You will find the homework for Sept. 18-22. Click on the link. Remember DO NOT submit until THURSDAY! Follow the directions to do the homework for each day.

Words for this week: quote     mole     stone     stove     chose     sole     stole     goal     groan     load     roasting     blown     lower     mows     shadow
Bonus word: coaster

There will be a couple math assignments for you on Front Row. Have a great week! 🙂 See you in the classroom!