Thursday September 8, 2016

Tonight’s homework is the following:
Thursday Sort Online
Read 20
Math Worksheet (Prime Factorization)
Spelling Test tomorrow (AR spelling pattern/ 15 random pattern words and 5 high frequency words)

We struggled today with staying quiet as a class.  We practiced lining up and walking without talking.  I’m hoping we can have it mastered soon.  I know this class is amazing we just need to work on making sure everyone else sees it!
We also worked on our animal variations assignment in groups today.  Ask you child how it went and what they are presenting on!  I will post more on their portfolios when they are completed.  If you have not checked your child’s online portfolio, please do so, you will be able to see all of the work that they are doing in class, including the last math test we took yesterday. 🙂

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