Math Reference Sheets

Geometry Reference Sheets

polygon family tree

teacher reference geometry

polygon reference sheet

polygon reference sheet 2

Fractions Reference Material

  • Multiplying fractions and whole numbers (3 x 4/7)
  • Multiplying fractions and fractions (1/2 x 3/4)
  • Knowing how to take a fractions of a number (2/5 of 25)
  • Dividing a fraction by a whole number (1/2 divided by 7)
  • Dividing a whole number by a fractions (7 divided by 1/2)
  • Dividing a fractions by a fraction (2/7 divided by 3/4)
*A lot of kids are forgetting to simplify their fractions.  I always tell them to simplify their answers when dealing with fractions.  Mixed numbers are the simplified form of improper fractions.

*When multiplying a whole number by a fractions, place the whole number over one and multiply across.  Then simplify the answer.
*When multiplying a fraction by a fraction, simply multiply across and then simplify.
* When asked to find the fraction of a number, replace the word “of” with a multiplication sign, place the whole number over one and multiply across.  If your answer is an improper fraction, divide and make it a mixed number.
*When we divide fractions, there is ONE rule.  It is “Keep, change, flip”.   Meaning, we keep the first number or fraction, replace the division sign with a multiplication sign and flip the second fraction.  Then multiply across and reduce or make a mixed number if possible.
*When dividing fractions, if one of the numbers is a whole number, place it over one and proceed.  The first fraction ALWAYS needs to remain the same because division is not commutative! (6 divided by 3 is NOT the same as 3 divided by 6).

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