States Fair Project

Assignment Outline

You will have TWO components to pass in:
1) Written report 2) State Float Display
All students will participate in a grade-wide “State Fair” presentation.

Check when complete:
_____1.  Receive assigned state:
                My state will be _____________________

____ 2. Review your report packet with your parents. Have your parents sign your packet.

____ 3. Library Visits:
Weber or Davis County Library (or another public library) You should locate books, reference materials, internet Resources. The Library staff is very helpful. Ask questions!

____ 4. Use the outline form to take NOTES
____ 5. Write a report on your state according to the outline.

There is an example paragraph in your packet. Each note section will be a written paragraph. The final copy may be typed or written in neat writing on white lined paper.

____ 6. Prepare a bibliography listing all sources of information.

____ 7. Prepare a State Float.

____ 8. Fill out the “State Fair Information” page in packet. Study this information and be prepared to engage visitors by sharing this information.

____9. NO food is allowed.

Parent Signature:___________________________________ Date:__________

Here is the State_Report_Outline, State-Report-Rubric, that will help you with your research and final paper.  As well as the directions for the float you will need to create.

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