Halloween “Party”

I only have one parent who volunteered to help with the Halloween party so instead of an actual party, I am going to ask for donations  so that we can decorate sugar cookies and watch the movie version of “The Westing Game”.  I am willing  to purchase the cookies if you would donate the sprinkles, frosting,  candies and possible drinks, napkins and plates.    Our party will be on October 28th from 10:30 to 12:00.  I will get approval for the video and send permission for food soon. 🙂

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2 Responses to Halloween “Party”

  1. Ashley Gale (Kyle Gardiner's Mom) says:

    I’m happy to donate something….let me know what you’d like me to send! Sorry I can’t help (I work that Friday!)

    • kerri.shelton says:

      Any type of frosting, candy, sprinkles or plates/napkins would be great. Just let me know so I can let others know what is still needed. Thanks so much for helping out with donations, I understand having to work. 🙂

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