Author Archives: kerri.shelton

States’ Fair this Wednesday!

The state reports and floats are due tomorrow morning!  I told the student that I will accept their packets up until Friday if for some reason they could not complete them by tomorrow.The parents are welcome to come tour our … Continue reading

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This week’s spelling word pattern

Week 22 Spelling Word Pattern: suffixes -ful, -ment, and -lessthoughtfulsuccessfulwastefulwonderfulskillfulplentifulgovernmentamusementpredicamentexcitementpunishmentarrangementfearlesscarelessworthlessthoughtlessuselessrecklessThis Week’s Math:Monday: IXL Z.2 (Convert customary units of length) Tuesday: Problem Solving (Use Logical Reasoning) My Math Worksheet 11.3Wednesday: IXL: Z.3 (Convert customary units of weight)Thursday IXL Z.4 (Convert Customary Units … Continue reading

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Math Test

So today I gave the students an opportunity to bring up their score on the last math test by giving a second test to those that got less than 80%.  In order for the score to be an accurate reflection … Continue reading

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No more sort homework

There will be no more online sort homework for the remainder of the year.  We will continue to do spelling and review patterns in class but I will no longer be requiring the kids to submit word work from home.

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Design-an-ad Contest

Our class participated in the Standard Examiner Design-An-ad contest this week.  The entries will be posted online to be voted on from March 21-24.  Go Online to  to view the ads and vote for your child’s!  

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We are running low on Expo Markers and so I went through student desks in an attempt to reclaim extras for those that didn’t have one.  I also pulled out colored pencils and markers to keep kids from drawing during … Continue reading

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Math Problems

Today, the copier was broken so I had the kids write down 9 problems to do on paper.  If they were not here or didn’t complete them they are as follows: 0.66/0.3=16.5/0.03=0.462/0.2=18.6/0.12=0.07/1.4=3.822/0.04=14.4/0.4=3.51/0.78=84.78/.15=In addition they needed to complete IXL J.1

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Please be aware that the state tourism projects are due next Tuesday March 28th.  We will work on the videos in class this week.  I have allowed several class periods for the students to work on their books as well … Continue reading

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This week’s spelling pattern words

Week 21 Spelling pattern: review of long vowel sounds; and oo/owscenethey’rethroughheirclothesbytealoudcruisecrewsisleprincipalprinciplehourknewtwowritechutereignThis week’s Math:Monday:Dividing decimals by decimals worksheet/IXL I.6Tuesday: Chapter 6 ReviewWednesday:Chapter 6 TestThursday: Begin measurement: 11.1 measure with a ruler.

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Maturation Permission Slip

For those students that still have not submitted their maturation permission slip.  Here it is….maturation permission slip PDF

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