Tuesday, November 28, 2016

I want to send a HUGE THANK YOU out to all off you for your donations of games as well as pennies!  We did very well on both projects.  POQA picked up our basket contents today and will put together the baskets for us to raffle off soon.  As for the Penny Wars, we (both Quest and Davinci) raised about $250.  We have purchased books with the money and will have the students sign personal messages in them, then we will donate them to the Christmas Box house to distribute as gifts during Christmas!  What an awesome idea and a memorable act of kindness by the students.

Today I sent home letters about a “Box of Hope” project I’ve done yearly with my students.  The letter/permission slip has all of the details but it is basically a way for the students to create positive friendships and build self esteem among each other.  The students filled out a questionnaire today in class stating their favorites and personal interests for their box buddies to use as a resource.  Once I have all of the questionnaires I will randomly assign buddies and the creative fun may begin.  The culminating project will be shared on December 16th during our class Christmas Party.  It is always a lot of fun to see what the kids come up with on their own and the reactions of the kids that are involved.

On that note, do I have any parents that would be interested in volunteering to help with the Christmas Class party?  It will be on December 16th from 10:30-11:45.  Any ideas are welcomed and appreciated.  We will be allowed treats for this party but I will need to know in advance what will be served in order to notify parents.  

Also, we are in need of dry erase markers if any of you are looking for a way to help. 🙂  The kids use them a lot as we do a lot of whole class formative assessments on whiteboards.  

Tomorrow will also be our chapter 9 test on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers.   The kids have a practice test to work on as homework in preparation for the actual test tomorrow afternoon.  

I will have the chaperone lists for the field trip next Friday put together and posted by this Friday!  Please let me know if you have been picked as a chaperone but will be unable to make it.

I think that is all for now, thanks again for all of your help and support!
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Spelling Words for the week of November 28th

/oo/ sound ~ Week 7

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November’s STEM Challenge

This month’s STEM challenge was to build a marshmallow catapult using a paint stick, three rubber bands and a film canister.  Although it seemed easy at first, when the students started competing for distance, they soon realized they needed to make adjustments to win.  We learned a lot about force, trajectory, weight and physics.  By simply adjusting the fulcrum they achieved various results.  I hope you find this an enjoyable to watch as I did.  These kids are VERY smart and inventive,  Although working with a group was and continues to be a struggle, we are slowly learning to give and get a little for the betterment of the group!
I apologize for the sound, I didn’t realize that it didn’t record as well as it should have.  I promise the kids weren’t that quiet. 🙂

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Field Trip Chaperones!!!

The five chaperones that I have picked to join us on our field-trip to the Discovery Gateway and Planetarium are:
Sheila Ballard
Mr. Mahoskey
Jacki McCloy
Rob Marsh
Kely Dearden

Please let me know if you will be unable to make it so I can find a replacement.  Thank you for you help and support.
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Rudolph the Reindeer Run

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Static electricity fun!

Avery graciously volunteered to be our conductor of static electricity in science yesterday.  Thanks Avery, you rock!


Koen, played a “positive” role in our experiment as well!
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Library Reading Contest- “Where in the World Will Reading Take You?”

The new library reading contest was announced in the library today. Every Thursday students need to go to my blog and fill in the Google Form under the “Library” page. The minutes that they accumulate will help in their “travels around the world”.
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Rudolph the Reindeer Run

*Register before November 18th:
5K-$25/person  $75/family of 4
Fun Run-$10/person
t-shirt and free raffle ticket included

*Register after November 18th:
5K-$30/person  $85/family of 4
Fun Run-$15/person

*Register online at Quest Academy Charter Facebook page or at the Q2 office

*Every student that signs up to run in 5K walk/run or Fun Run will be in a drawing for aKindle Fire (we have two of them, one for Elementary and one for Jr. High) 

*The grade that has the most students sign up to participate will receive a Pizza Partyfrom POQA. K-5, and 6-9th will each have one party. 

*Prizes for race winners and best costumes

*Raffles, Food Trucks, Awards

*Click here for a Prezi with more information. 

*Family friendly race for ALL ages!

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Full Moon? ;)

It must be a Super Full Moon (LOL) because our class was off the hook today!  It didn’t help that I battled a headache all day but I told them I am hoping for better behavior tomorrow.  I’m thinking we will have at least a 1/2 day of NO TALKING, so we can have a better appreciation for silence.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to all of you that donated the games for our classroom gift basket, I truly appreciate it.  
The kids completed their homework during class today so there will be no homework tonight!  I think we are finally starting to understand adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators and I am THRILLED!  

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This week’s spelling words and online math homework.

Long i sound spelling pattern

IXL Homework *Remember only 20-30 minutes or 75% 
Monday: L.10 (subtract fractions with unlike denominators)
Tuesday: L.17 (estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers)
Wednesday:L.18 (Add mixed numbers with unlike denominators) 
Thursday: L.19 (Subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators)
Friday: No Homework

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