Egg Drop Demo!

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Class Photo

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Positive Me Week!

Positive Me Week is coming up October 24th-October 28th, here is the dress up schedule for Q2:
Monday, October 24th-Accessories and/or Hats
Tuesday, October 25th-Red Uniform Shirts
Wednesday, October 26th-Crazy Socks and/or Hair
Thursday, October 27th-Team Jersey
Friday, October 28th-Costume, Wear Orange, or Free Dress Down
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Halloween Party Food Permission

All students must have permission to consume the food that will be provided for the Halloween Party on Friday, October 28th. Please click on the Halloween Party Food Permission Google Form to do so.
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Hour of Code is coming soon!

Hour of Code is coming soon, December 5-11, and Quest Academy will be participating again this year. Mrs. Jones, the STEM Lab teacher, will be doing activities to celebrate the Hour of Code in the STEM Lab during that time. If you would like more information on Hour of Code, what it is and its benefits, click here.
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Penny Wars

Starting Monday, October 24th the fifth grade here at Quest will be collecting spare change to raise money for the Christmas Box House in Ogden. We will using the money raised to provide Christmas gifts for the children that live in the Christmas Box House. Penny Wars means that not only are we gathering money we are competing with the other 5th grades to see who can raise the most. We have also decided to complete against the 5th/6th grade at DaVinci Academy  in Ogden to see if Quest can raise more money than they can. It’s all in good fun and for a great cause so start checking in between those couch cushions and under the floor mats of your cars for spare change for our Penny Wars.
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Trial Egg Drop Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we will be “testing” the egg drop contraptions from the school roof.  Please talk with your child to make sure he/she has the needed supplies to construct the prototype for tomorrows trial run!  They are working in individual STEM groups so I don’t know who in what group is responsible for what, but they’ve assured me that they have a plan. 
Also, remember that tomorrow is a short day but it is NOT a dress down day.  No school on Thursday or Friday!  Have a fabulous Fall Break!

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October Parent Teacher Conferences

October’s Parent Teacher Conferences will be on Thursday October 27th from 3:30-5:30 with 15 minute slots.  If you would like to meet with me and have not done so yet this year, please feel free to schedule a time by clicking the link below.  Otherwise, if I have any issues that I need to make you aware of, I will contact you for a meeting time that night.  If you would like to meet with me but that night or times don’t work, please feel free to contact me and let me know so I can arrange another time to meet with you and discuss your child. 
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Halloween “Party”

I only have one parent who volunteered to help with the Halloween party so instead of an actual party, I am going to ask for donations  so that we can decorate sugar cookies and watch the movie version of “The Westing Game”.  I am willing  to purchase the cookies if you would donate the sprinkles, frosting,  candies and possible drinks, napkins and plates.    Our party will be on October 28th from 10:30 to 12:00.  I will get approval for the video and send permission for food soon. 🙂

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Family Skate Night!

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