STEM Club Participants

The first 20 students that filled in the Google Form to participate in the fifth grade STEM Club are as follows:

Micah Kingsford
Mariah McDonald
Alex Fischer
Isabella Pena
Zackery Peterson
Britton Thompson
T.J. Zimmerman
Ben Jones
Kayleigh Hales
Winter Bambrough
Kaylee Madden
Kyler Grahn
Trevor Carlton
G. Lundon Bailey
Brooklin Barthman
Austin Marsh
Takada LaFollette
Koen Day
Colin Schmid
Rowdy Haws

These students need to pay $5 by the first day of the STEM Club, October 25th, to the Q2 office. 

There will be another 5th grade STEM Club offered sometime in the new year so if your child isn’t participating this time they can look forward to doing so next time.
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Halloween at Quest

Quest will have our Halloween parade on Friday, October 28, which is a short day. Quest families are welcome to come watch their children parade through the Q2 gym from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. Though only Kindergarten through 6th Grade students will participate in the parade, Jr. High students are welcome to wear costumes as well (or students could choose to treat this day as a free dress down day).
Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact administration. Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed. 

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STEM Club Application

The 5th grade teachers will be offering a 6 week STEM Club. This club will meet on Tuesdays from October 25th-December 6th from 3:05-3:50, note the date and time changes from my first post. This club will provide 20 fifth grade students with additional experiences in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics through games, projects, and activities. No siblings of students in the 5th grade STEM Club are allowed to be at the school waiting, other arrangements must be made for them. Students participating in the club will need to be picked up by 4:00 outside the Q2 building. We will meet weekly in Mrs. Pfister or Mrs. Shelton’s classroom.

There is a $5 fee for each student that would like to to participate in this club, due by the first day of the STEM Club. Any student that becomes a behavior problem during club time will be given one warning then will lose their place in the club and forfeit their right to participate in future STEM Clubs in 5th grade.
Here is the link to the Google Form to sign-up:
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Genetically built dogs!

Today in science we created our own dogs using various strands of “DNA” which determined which traits our dog had.  Then they drew them!  It was a great way to see how genetics works and what the outcomes can be!

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Mealworms vs. Earthworms

We had a great time in science today getting down and dirty with worms!  We compared earthworms and mealworms.  Then we decided if their behavior was learned or instinctual.  The kids enjoyed it, but I’m not so sure about the “worms”. LOL!

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Week 2 Long A sound

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Egg Drop STEM Challenge


Our next STEM Challenge is an egg drop! The eggs will be dropped from the top of a firetruck ladder by the fire department. Students talked today about what materials they want to bring from home to help with their construction. Please do not go out and buy materials, they are supposed to gather things that are available at home. They will be completing this task with their STEM Challenge group. Eggs will be dropped at the end of the month so they will have two different times in class to work on their design, Friday, October 14th and Wednesday, October 19th.
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5th Grade After School STEM club

The 5th grade teachers will be offering a 6 week STEM Club. This club will meet on Thursdays from November 3rd-December 15th from 3:05-3:55. This club will provide 20 fifth grade students with additional experiences in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics through games, projects, and activities. No siblings of students in the 5th grade STEM Club are allowed to be at the school waiting, other arrangements must be made for them. Students participating in the club will need to be picked up by 4:00 outside the Q2 building. We will meet weekly in Mrs. Pfister or Mrs. Shelton’s classroom. 

There is a $5 fee for each student that would like to to participate in this club, due by the first day of the STEM Club. Any student that becomes a behavior problem during club time will be given one warning then will lose their place in the club and forfeit their right to participate in future STEM Clubs in 5th grade. 

A Google Form will be on my blog on Tuesday afternoon for students to sign up for the club. We will take the first 20 fifth grade students that sign up for the club to participate.
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I am so sorry!!!

If your child came home today and said that Mrs. Shelton had a break down today, they were not totally lying.  We had a long talk about respect and what it looks like and how I expect them to behave.  We also talked about NOT rushing through their work just so they don’t have homework.  I thought we were all in agreement about this when I began today’s math lesson.  I quickly learned different.  
I still have quite a number of kids that are struggling with division so I tried explaining the partial quotient or “Big Seven” method to the class.  The ones that understood that method got a little nuts over who knew what and felt the need to be very vocal that they already understood it and didn’t really need further instruction.  I got frustrated and told the the class that they didn’t need my help and that they could go ahead and do the problems on the board on their own.  It was immature of me and I gave them my apology after but wanted them to feel the frustration that I felt with them not listening to what I had to say.  I PROMISE that tomorrow will be better for all of us.  If you have any concerns about this, please feel free to contact me.  Again, I sincerely apologize.

On a lighter note, the kids have earned a reward for having received 10 compliments and they have chosen to have another “electronics day”.  That means that they will be allowed to play with or use an electronic device for the last 30 minutes of class tomorrow.  Please be aware that the student will be responsible for their own device and are NOT REQUIRED to bring one.  It is completely voluntary.  Thank you so much for your help and support.

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Fall Break!

thSome students asked today when Fall Break was so I thought that I would post a reminder!
Fall Break will be October 20th and 21st. 🙂 Enjoy!
Please also be aware that this coming Friday, October 7th is an early out day but NOT a dress down day.
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