Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Today I introduced our class to some new “pets” we will be observing in science.  They are mealworms that we are going to observe change into beetles and also do some experiments with them. 🙂  I only had a few kids who were squeamish about it, but I am not forcing anyone to handle them.

Since tomorrow is the first day of September, reading calendars for August need to be turned in, in the morning.   In math we reviewed place value of decimals and how the place to the left of the decimal is 10 times bigger than the one to the right and the one to the right is 1/10 the size.  It was a little confusing for the kids but as long as they remember each place is either 1/10 as much or 10 times bigger (depending on the place) they will be fine.  We did all of the problems in class today so there is no math homework but there will be tomorrow. 🙂

We will also be beginning our unit on heredity and genetics so be sure and ask your child what they are learning.  It is good for them to explain it to another person.  

Please remember that this Friday is another short day but NOT a dress down day.  

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Book Orders will be Placed tonight!

If you were planning on ordering a book from Scholastic for your child from the fliers that I sent home last week, tonight will be the night that I submit that order.  If you are wanting to but not ready, no worries, I will be happy to submit another order next month.  Thanks for your support. 🙂

Our class code is:
Scholastic Book Orders
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Heads up!

If your child tells you that they watched Monsters University (Rated G) in class today, they are not lying and I am not slacking, I just needed something to keep them out of trouble as I continued to assess their reading.  Please know that this will not be an ongoing thing I just thought that since it was a short day and we haven’t really jumped into things with both feet yet it would be a good time to get this done.
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Learning about the scientific method!



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Book Orders

if you are interested in placing a book order from the fliers I sent home, you can do so at scholastic.com under reading club and use our class code: KYK7L.  
Thank you so much for your support.  I will submit it on the 30th of August.
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I haven’t lost my mind!

Dear Parents,
I’m sorry to bombard you with program invites recently, I just wanted an app that would allow me to communicate with you and allow you to follow what your student is doing in class all in one place.  I think I’ve found it with FreshGrade.  I am still playing with it, but I like all that it does so far.  Please let me know if you did not get the invite and I will resend it.  I sincerely don’t want to overwhelm you I just would like to make monitoring your child’s progress as easy and efficient as possible.  It is not mandatory to sign up but is a great way to stay in the loop about what is happening when.
Thank you for your patience with me and getting things rolling for a successful fifth grade year!
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The first “Real” week….

Well our first LOOONG day went fairly well.  Morning went fabulously but it was a challenge to stay focused after recess.  I’m confident it will get better as the week progresses.  I introduced place value today and we will revisit it throughout the week. 

Just a heads up, I need to benchmark the students in reading, which is a little time consuming so we will be watching some educational videos (Probably Planet Earth, to tie into our science unit on heredity and adaptations), while I complete this testing.  I was able to do their Spelling assessment today and will hopefully have the reading done by the end of the week. 😉

No homework this week, just make sure the kids are reading 20 minutes a night and filling out their reading calendars.   Today was school pictures and a form was sent home.  If you are interested in ordering any, feel free to return the envelope with payment sometime this week.

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Swimming Party!

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Picture Day!

Just a reminder that Monday August 22 is Picture Day.  Please be aware that uniforms MUST be worn.

You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questacad2016
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)

See flyer for additional payment options. The flyer link:
Quest Picture Day Flyer 2016

You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questacad2016
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope
(attached to flyer)

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The First “Week” of Fifth Grade!

Well, we officially finished out first “week” of fifth grade.  Three down and 177 to go! 😉  We spent a lot of time getting to know each other this week and listened to Mrs. Shelton talk, and talk about procedures.  I did move some students already, in an attempt to cut down on the chatting, but since then, things have been FABULOUS!  I told the students to enjoy the light load (reading was the only homework) because next week we begin to jump into curriculum.  
Please make yourselves aware of the uniform policy for Quest.  I’ve discussed with the students the importance of complying with this.  I am expected by administration to enforce the uniform policy.  The biggest issues I’ve seen so far have been regarding socks and hair colors.  Please be aware that all violations will be referred to the office to either call home or change.  Also, please make sure that the school supply items your child brings to school are shareable.  It is easier to divided them up and make sure everyone has what they need to be successful in class.  If they have items at school which they prefer not to share, they are free to bring them home.  Anything that is a distraction to the students’ learning will be sent home.  

Dress & Grooming
  • Uniforms at Quest Academy are mandatory. Dress and grooming standards are part of the Uniform Regulations.
  • Uniforms must be worn during school hours, except under specially designated circumstances. Uniforms must also be worn for all before and after school programs, except where activities require alternate attire (i.e. sports, dance, etc.).
  • Students must present a modest, clean, and neat appearance at all times. All clothing must be clean, appropriately sized, and worn correctly. Pants/shorts/skirts must be worn at the waist, shirts must be buttoned and tucked in, shoes must be tied or fastened, clothing must be worn right-side-out, appropriate underwear must be worn, but not visible, etc. Clothing shall not be excessively worn or have holes.
  • Uniforms will be worn Monday through Friday and for programs.
  • Socks for boys and girls should be in coordinating colors; socks may be ankle or knee length in white, red, or navy. Girls may also wear appropriate smooth and/or cable knit footed or footless tights in solid white, red or navy. Socks or tights must be worn at all times. Socks must be worn with footless tights. No nylon stockings may be worn.
  • Students may wear jewelry or hair accessories that are appropriate for wear at school and are not a distraction or danger. Students may not wear ear gauges or jewelry with protruding spikes.
  • Hair must be kept neat and have a combed appearance and appropriate for school. No extreme hair color or styles, only “natural” hair colors are permitted (for example, fuchsia or “hot pink” hair is not “natural”).
  • Any makeup worn should be appropriate for school.
  • No hats of any kind, including baseball caps, or sunglasses, may be worn in the building except for medical or religious purposes.
  • Outer wear that is worn for warmth to and from school and at outside recess is not considered a uniform item.
  • Plain white, red, or navy undershirts may be worn under school shirt.
  • Dress items not specifically covered above but considered inappropriate or contrary to the Purpose statement in the School Uniform Policy are subject to review and interpretation by the Board.

On a lighter note, we did our first teamwork activity today!  It was a lot of fun and gave me an idea of how the students problem solve in groups.  This is probably one of the hardest things to learn in fifth grade but they did amazingly well.  Almost all of the students have the locks mastered and I am extremely proud of them!  Feel free to ask your kids about the teamwork activity and have a fantastic weekend! 🙂
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