We Made the News!

Check out the story that Fox 13 did on our Mission to Mars experience!

The Deseret News did an article on it as well.  Deseret News
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We not only had a blast but Quest Academy cleaned house at the Mission to Mars STEM event.  Thanks so much for all of your help and support.

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SAGE testing

Just a reminder that SAGE testing begins this week.  We begin science SAGE testing Monday afternoon at 12:45 and have our second science session on Wednesday at 10:40.  Next week we will complete the writing portion, followed by ELA and conclude with math.  Please make sure your child is at school for testing if at all possible.
Thanks so much for your help,
Kerri Shelton
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Mission to Mars

Just a reminder that on Tuesday, May 25th we are blasting off for Mars, via Weber State University. We will leave Quest Academy at about 9:00 and return at approximately 2:15. Kids are required to wear a red uniform shirt and khaki uniform bottoms, skirts are discouraged due to the activities we will be doing. They also need to wear clean socks, as we will have our shoes off, and bring a sack lunch. If your child will need a school lunch for Friday please let me know by Monday. Remember, absolutely no electronic devices. Not only will this be a fun experience, it is also a competition between Quest and other schools in the area. We will be judged on our saga, life support system, habitat building, mission patch, and uniform. We are so excited for this opportunity to represent Quest Academy!
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This week’s words

week 25- prefixes
  1. rewrite
  2. reappear
  3. recall
  4. recover
  5. rebuild
  6. dishonest
  7. disagree
  8. disappear
  9. disappoint
  10. disconnect
  11. disapprove
  12. misbehave
  13. misfortune
  14. misunderstand
  15. misspell
  16. misuse
  17. illegal
  18. illegible
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Student Council

Student Council
Posted on April 20, 2017
Thank you to all of the fifth graders that put themselves out there and ran for student council! The interviews went very well and the fifth graders did a wonderful job articulating their desire to help make Quest a better place. The students that will be moving on to the primary election are:

Trevor Carlton
Brody Clark
Winter Bambrough
Jetson Kelso
Macey Smedley
William Coles
Madison Wright
Maya Gonzales
Aydan Tuy

Your campaign will start Monday, April 24th thru April 28th. This will include the opportunity to introduce yourself and show your campaign video in class on Monday, April 24th. The digital campaign video will need to be at least one minute, but no longer than 3 minutes. You can also make 2 posters with your slogan on it. This is a clean campaign, there will be no passing out of items, no bribing voters, no unreasonable promises. You cannot refer to other candidates on posters or in speech and you will respect each other’s campaign.

This is your chance to make yourself stand out. Have fun with it! Your campaign video and posters will need to be approved by the Student Council Advisors and Administration on Monday morning. Please submit your video via Google, email or a USB. Please submit these to acashin@questac.org.

The election will be held on Friday, April 28th. Each grade (5th – 8th) will elect 4 officers for the upcoming school year. The 2017-2018 Student Council will be announced Friday night on Schoology (5th grade will be notified via email). Thank you for your interest in serving as a Student Council Class Officer for next year. We wish you the best of luck and look forward to a great 2017-18 school year.
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This week’s spelling Pattern

Week 24 Spelling pattern: spell words with silent letters

  1. wrestle
  2. wrong
  3. answer
  4. dough
  5. unknown
  6. knapsack
  7. honor
  8. listen
  9. climb
  10. half
  11. island
  12. talking
  13. design
  14. scratch
  15. tonight
  16. limb
  17. knot 
  18. whistle
This week and the next couple of weeks we will be reviewing all of the math concepts for the year in preparation for SAGE testing.  
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Finished Clay Landforms!

IMG_1481 IMG_1484 IMG_1485 IMG_1486 IMG_1487 IMG_1489 IMG_1490
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Prodigy Purchase Instructions

Prodigy is ready to go, however, parents will need to activate their child’s account to get started.  This information will be going out in the weekly email today, but here it is if you would like to include it in your blogs as well.  This is the information they will need for activating or updating the prodigy accounts.
-Go to prodigygame.com
-Login with the information used to create your parent account.
-Go to the drop down menu located next to the parent name on the upper right of the page.
-Select “Memberships
-If you are renewing your child’s membership, you will just update their account with their current grade.
-If this is a new membership for your child, you will need to “assign student
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Dollar Dress Down Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, April 13, is a dollar dress down day to raise money for the Sparks family whose house burned down over the past weekend.  

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