States’ Fair this Wednesday!

The state reports and floats are due tomorrow morning!  I told the student that I will accept their packets up until Friday if for some reason they could not complete them by tomorrow.
The parents are welcome to come tour our classrooms from 1:;00 – 2:00 on Wednesday.
Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this project!
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This week’s spelling word pattern

Week 22 Spelling Word Pattern: suffixes -ful, -ment, and -less

  1. thoughtful
  2. successful
  3. wasteful
  4. wonderful
  5. skillful
  6. plentiful
  7. government
  8. amusement
  9. predicament
  10. excitement
  11. punishment
  12. arrangement
  13. fearless
  14. careless
  15. worthless
  16. thoughtless
  17. useless
  18. reckless
This Week’s Math:
Monday: IXL Z.2 (Convert customary units of length) 
Tuesday: Problem Solving (Use Logical Reasoning) My Math Worksheet 11.3
Wednesday: IXL: Z.3 (Convert customary units of weight)
Thursday IXL Z.4 (Convert Customary Units of Capacity)
Friday: No Homework (short day) *How to use a Ruler
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Math Test

So today I gave the students an opportunity to bring up their score on the last math test by giving a second test to those that got less than 80%.  In order for the score to be an accurate reflection of their mastery I am going to average the scores of the two tests together.  The second test should have been a little easier since we reviewed right before they took it and it was 100% multiple choice.

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No more sort homework

There will be no more online sort homework for the remainder of the year.  We will continue to do spelling and review patterns in class but I will no longer be requiring the kids to submit word work from home.
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Design-an-ad Contest

Our class participated in the Standard Examiner Design-An-ad contest this week.  The entries will be posted online to be voted on from March 21-24.  Go Online to  to view the ads and vote for your child’s!  

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We are running low on Expo Markers and so I went through student desks in an attempt to reclaim extras for those that didn’t have one.  I also pulled out colored pencils and markers to keep kids from drawing during class.  Some kids felt that this was “stealing” and were not happy with me.  I would just like say that I am not taking these things for my own personal use, I am putting them into the classroom supply to share with all students.  In my disclosure it stated that the supplies brought by the students would be shared with all students.  I told kids at the beginning of the year that if they did not want to share their supplies they needed to bring them home.  It seems that some students now do not want to share their supplies with other students or have them be accessed only when needed.  I have purchased many items that are used by all students and share them willingly.  However most of those supplies have been taken an not returned, leaving me with very little to share with students.   

I know there are still students who have colored pencils or markers in their desks.  I am once again asking that if you would prefer that your child not share his/her art supplies please have them put them in their locker and bring them home this week.

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Math Problems

Today, the copier was broken so I had the kids write down 9 problems to do on paper.  If they were not here or didn’t complete them they are as follows:

  1.  0.66/0.3=
  2. 16.5/0.03=
  3. 0.462/0.2=
  4. 18.6/0.12=
  5. 0.07/1.4=
  6. 3.822/0.04=
  7. 14.4/0.4=
  8. 3.51/0.78=
  9. 84.78/.15=
In addition they needed to complete IXL J.1

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Please be aware that the state tourism projects are due next Tuesday March 28th.  We will work on the videos in class this week.  I have allowed several class periods for the students to work on their books as well as their state projects but will not do so this week.  So, if your child still needs to write their essay or finish up their packet or create their float, it will need to be completed at home.  

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This week’s spelling pattern words

Week 21 Spelling pattern: review of long vowel sounds; and oo/ow

  1. scene
  2. they’re
  3. through
  4. heir
  5. clothes
  6. byte
  7. aloud
  8. cruise
  9. crews
  10. isle
  11. principal
  12. principle
  13. hour
  14. knew
  15. two
  16. write
  17. chute
  18. reign
This week’s Math:
Monday:Dividing decimals by decimals worksheet/IXL I.6
Tuesday: Chapter 6 Review
Wednesday:Chapter 6 Test
Thursday: Begin measurement: 11.1 measure with a ruler.
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Maturation Permission Slip

For those students that still have not submitted their maturation permission slip.  Here it is….maturation permission slip PDF
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