Field Trip Videos

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Student Created Books

Our class has been working hard on a book that we will be publishing of our own writing; the contents of which are secret as it is a surprise. Each student will receive one copy of their book for free but you can order extra copies for family and friends if you would like. An order form was sent home with your child yesterday and is due back at school by this Friday, March 10th. Every student is required to return an order form whether extra copies will be purchased or not. If you don’t wish to order just check the box at the bottom of the form stating, “No, I am not interested at this time. I understand this is my only opportunity to purchase additional copies at this price.”
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Here is the maturation permission slip for Friday, March 24th. This is a very important program for your child to be a part of as they will be learning some important concepts. Parents are encouraged to attend, moms CAN go to the boys and dads CAN go to the girls, but if you won’t be able to make it your child can still participate, if you would like. Please indicate on the permission form whether or not you give consent for your child to attend, and if you will be attending yourself. Permission forms are due by Thursday, March 16th.
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This week’s spelling pattern words

Week 19: Spell words with ie and ei
  1. tried
  2. weigh
  3. piece
  4. receive
  5. their
  6. fierce
  7. neither
  8. field
  9. receiving
  10. trying
  11. hurried
  12. siege
  13. weighs
  14. writing
  15. tired
  16. having
  17. planned
  18. worries

This week’s math:
Monday: IXL I.1 (Estimate Products of decimals) Due to excess talking in class they now have 6th grade H.1 as well. 🙁
Tuesday: IXL I.3/I/4 (Multiply decimals by whole numbers)
Wednesday: IXL I.8/I/9 (Multiply two decimals using grids/no grids)
Thursday: IXL I.2 (Multiply a decimal by a power of 10)
Friday: Worksheet (My Math 5.7 Problem Solving)

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February Reading Calendars are due by Friday March 10th!

I have had a few students turn in their February reading calendars but am still missing quite a few.  Please check SIS to see if your child is missing theirs.  After the 10th, it will be a zero. Thanks!
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A Little Help with State Tourism Project

Here s a link for those students that are struggling with finding tourist attractions and recreational activities in their state.  
The us

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Sub Zero Fun

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Tomorrow’s Fieldtrip

Please remember tomorrow’s pick up and drop off are at the Roy Frontrunner station.  Also remember, your student needs to be picked up at 2:45 p.m.

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Dr. Seuss Week Dress Up!

February 27-March 3rd
Tuesday-field trip to Storytelling Festival
Wednesday-field trip to symphony
Thursday-wear green and crazy socks (from Tuesday)
Friday-wear animal print and crazy hair (from Wednesday)
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