Homework for the Week of Jan. 5th

Welcome Back!! I hope everyone had a great break! Homework will be a little different this week. I will be doing some spelling tests to determine if each child is placed in the right sort group. This could mean that your child could go up in spelling sorts, stays the same, or goes down in spelling sorts. Starting on the 12th, we will get back into our spelling sorts. I will post the new sort groups with next weeks homework post. This week for math, we will be working on multiplying and dividing by 6 and 7. Hopefully over the break your child has had a chance to work on their multiplication facts. We will continue to work on earning our multiplication madness party!

***Homework Organizer***

Directions: Always keep the homework organizer in your homework folder. Each day place a check in the box when you finish your homework. Have a parent initial the column and bring back this sheet every day in your homework folder.

Students are required to read 20 minutes a day. Please record reading time on the attached document. It needs to handed in every Friday. Reading Log

20 Minutes Reading
Math – Ch. 8.1
Ch. 8.1 Key

20 Minutes Reading
Math – Ch. 8.2
Ch. 8.2 Key

2o Minutes Reading
Math – Ch. 8.3
Ch. 8.3 Key

20 Minutes Reading
Practice Multiplication Facts
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