Together is Better

Hello Parents,

I hope you are enjoying your Thanksgiving Break. As first grade teachers, you know that our top priority is your students. We want to make sure they are receiving the best education and continuing to gain knowledge and growth through their experience at Quest Academy. Each week, as first grade teachers, we meet and discuss different things we can do, change, or fix in our teaching to help them better grasp concepts. This past week we have discussed a change that we are wanting to try, to see if it will benefit your students to a greater extent. Please know that it has been discussed with administration and all are on board with this decision and we feel it will be very beneficial.

Starting on Monday, November 26, Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Gieseke will be working together to better educate your students in reading and math. Mrs. Knight will be teaching math in the morning to her students and then transition into teaching Mrs. Gieseke’s students math in the afternoon. Mrs. Gieseke will teach language arts to her students in the morning and then will transition in the afternoon and she will teach Mrs. Knight’s class Language Arts. We both feel that our strengths compliment one another and we want to take advantage of that in teaching your students. We feel that this change will bring greater understanding and allow us to go more in depth with what your students are learning. We know this will be a big change for your students, as well as, you as parents, but we are very excited to see how this will work. This change will also allow us to better reach your students individually and personally. It will help to decrease negative behavior in the classroom and allow your students to learn from two teachers who have different teaching styles.

Our plan is to try it out until winter break, then make a decision on whether or not it has impacted your students in a positive way. However, we are very confident that this will change the amount of knowledge your students are gaining. We have fourth grade teachers who have already began this transition and have seen a dramatic difference in their students scores.

We hope that you will be excited about this change. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Gieseke

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