Next Week’s Schedule

All days require normal school uniforms, except Friday. Please bring BACKPACKS Monday through Wednesday, but you’re welcome to bring them Thursday, too, if you’d like. 

Monday Talent Show (8:30am), health presentation, and “June and July Birthdays” Celebration! (We celebrated August birthdays at the beginning of the year.) BRING your EndBACKPACKS!

Tuesday Cleaning day! BRING your BACKPACKS! You have lots of things to HAUL away! We will be having a Read-A-Thon in the afternoon – feel free to bring books (labeled with your name) and one stuffed animal to snuggle with! (Please: no blankets or pillows. Thanks!)

Wednesday– Science experiments, Charlotte’s Web movie day, and Final S.T.E.M. project: making playdough. Please bring backpacks still. 

Thursday Yearbook Signing day. We will also probably finish watching Charlotte’s Web this day. Early Dismissal at 1:00. Only bring backpacks if you’d like to carry your Yearbook and lunch items home in them. 

Friday Field Day, Free Dress-Down day, and Early Out! School lunch will not be available.  PLEASE SEND A COLD HOME LUNCH, LABELED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME. MICROWAVES WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE!  First Grade will wear RED shirts to help keep track of students. Bring sun screen, a hat, and a water bottle. In the event of inclement weather, we will be having an indoor “Field Day.” No need for backpacks this day. Library books needed to be turned in by Thursday May 12th.  If books are not turned in or paid for, then students will not be able to participate in Field Day. Free dress down day!  You will also meet ALL of next year’s 2nd grade teachers!  This will also be an Early Out day, dismissing at 1:00!  

This is the last chance to turn in Book Buddy booksPlease know that these Book Buddy books are purchased in sets, so when a book is missing, an entirely new set must be purchased to replace it.  These sets cost between $35-$40 to replace, depending on which set it is.  Please plan on submitting $35 to the office by Friday (May 27th) if you are unable to locate your Book Buddy book so that we can be prepared with book supplies for next year’s students.  Thank you so much for your help with this!


I can’t believe that we are reaching the close of the year!!  I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with your amazing children, and I cannot believe the growth that was achieved this year.  Our final tests were taken today and grades will be locked Sunday night and ready to be accessed Monday morning. 

Today was the last day to turn in all Book Buddy books.  I will be checking off eachBook Buddy student’s return of his/her Book Buddy book.  I had a few students tell me today that their Book Buddies are lost or that they don’t know where they are.  Please know that these Book Buddy books are purchased in sets, so when a book is missing, an entirely new set must be purchased to replace it.  These sets cost between $35-$40 to replace, depending on which set it is.  Please plan on submitting $35 to the office by Friday of next week (May 27th) if you are unable to locate your Book Buddy book so that we can be prepared with book supplies for next year’s students.  Thank you so much for your help with this!

Homework for the Week of May 16th-20th

This is the very last week that homework is required. Please permanently turn in your Book Buddy books on Friday.

It is not necessary to fill out a Homework Form for this week’s homework.  Please complete the following activities:

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A Reading for All Learners (Book Buddy) leveled book will be sent home with your child DAILY. Please have your child read the book (or one story from the books that contain more than one story) at least three times and then sign the included form. You may supplement your child’s reading using books at home, library books, etc. to fulfill the minimum requirement of 20-30 minutes of reading per day. 

It is not necessary to fill out a Homework Form for this week’s homework.  Simply initialing the form that comes home with your child’s Book Buddy is sufficient.

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This activity should be completed Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  It is not necessary to fill out a Homework Form for this week’s homework – I trust that you will do it.
  1. Visit the following website:
  2. Select “Level 200.”  For this week, please read passage # 210 (How to Be a Good Citizen) for MONDAY and TUESDAY, and passage #211 (Symbols of Freedom Introduction) for WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 
  3.  Complete a one-minute timed reading and record your score on the Homework Form. Feel free to use this online timer: Find your score by subtracting the number of incorrect words read from the total number of words read in one minute (for instance, if you read 98 words, but read 5 of the words incorrectly, your score would be 93).   
  4. Re-tell the story with as much detail as possible, and in your own words, to a parent, using the guidelines described below:
Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

If you are able to read the entire passage in less than a minute: start again at the top of the passage and read as many more words as you can until the one-minute timing is over.  For scoring, include the total words read during the entire minute. For instance, if you read the entire passage (137 words) and then read part of it again (39 words) before the one-minute timing was over, your score would be 176 (if you had no mistakes).

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  • ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION TIMINGS: Complete a 2 minute timing every night for both addition and subtraction facts. Please have your child do EVERY problem in a row, not skipping any. Then draw a line where they end and they will start there the next day. PLEASE CHECK FOR ACCURACY (an answer sheet is included).  Your child should get in about 3 or 4 timings each side. If you have questions let me know. Click below to print timings worksheets (I know the bottom row got cut off – please ignore!):
  • CLICK HERE for SUBTRACTION Timings Sheet
  • CLICK HERE for ADDITION Timings Sheet

First Grade Patriotic Concert!

FlagThe entire first grade will be performing a Patriotic Concert on Thursday, May 19th at 5:30 in the Junior High gym. Please have your child to the Junior High gym by 5:15 that evening, dressed in a RED SHIRT and uniform pants.  Any patriotic accessories, such as hairbows, pins, belts, ties, etc., are encouraged!! (Please avoid any tall accessories, such as tall hats, that could potentially block the view of other children standing behind your child.)  

We would like to honor any veterans in the audience, so we encourage you to invite any friends or family members who have served in the military to join us!  The performance will not last more than an hour.  

The first grade will be performing this same concert the next morning, May 20th, for students and faculty, so please be sure your child wears a RED SHIRT and patriotic accessories the next morning, too.

Book Orders Will Be Submitted Earlier This Month!


So that we can receive our books before the last day of school, I will be submitting our Scholastic book order earlier than usual this month.  Please place your orders by Sunday, May 15th.  I will be submitting our order early in the morning on May 16th.  

This is a great opportunity to stock up on fantastic books to keep your child reading this summer! 

Just a reminder for when you are ordering online at, our Class Activation Code is NL9MM.
Thank you!


A good deal of REVIEW and TESTING will be completed THIS week (MAY 9TH-13TH) and some days NEXT week, so PLEASE try to have your child at school this week, every day, all day long.  Please do anything possible to avoid any absences, early check-outs or tardies this week.

We really appreciate your help with this! It makes a big difference to your student when he/she is in attendance for testing, and we want every student to have the best shot possible at performing well on all end-of-level tests by being here for review and testing. :) 


Permission Form for In-Class Field Trip and End-of-Year Activities

Please fill out the permission form found by clicking on the link below.  We will be having Nature Centeran in house field trip on May 12th at 9am. We will not need parent volunteers. The Ogden Nature Center is coming here. They will be bringing two birds and a reptile that they children MIGHT be able to touch. Please sign the permission slip to allow your child to participate. 

Also we will be doing a count down to the end of the year. We will be doing experiments with treats, crafts, games, and more. However, your child will have to earn these by completing their work in order to participate. This is also included in the permission slip. 


Summer Learning – Don’t Let Your Brain Turn to Mush! :)

Summer Learning
Your child has worked SO hard this year and deserves to maintain or even increase his/her skills over the summer!  Here are some ideas for keeping your child learning over the summer:

#1: READ!  

No other skill is more important to maintain over the summer months.  Children who read regularly are shown to have higher intelligence and general knowledge, less stress, better fluency, improved analytical thinking, broader vocabulary, better memory and increased writing skills. Please use every opportunity (long car rides, waits at the dentist/doctor, before bedtime, etc.) to have your child read to you.

#2: Write!

Writing is “backwards reading” and not only improves your child’s writing skills, but also improves his/her reading skills as well.  Encourage your child to use best penmanship and to sound out words phonetically, and assist your child in creating complete sentences that include proper use of upper and lower-case letters, and to include proper punctuation.

  • Encourage your child to keep a journal of events or discoveries over the summer months.  You may even have your child continue to use the extra pages in his/her first grade journal, which is in a format familiar to your child.  I strongly encourage students to write (with an actual paper and pencil!) over the summer – not just write electronically.  This helps to maintain proper penmanship and puts a greater focus on sentence structure, rather than on hunting for letters on a keyboard.
  • Electronic writing is great, too, though!  It is important that your child maintain familiarity with the keys on the keyboard! 🙂

#3: Math!

We learned SO many different math skills this year and it is important that your child remember these skills so that he/she can build on them in 2nd grade!  Review addition, subtraction, place value, time, measurement, 2 and 3-dimensional shapes, graphing, skip-counting, etc. with your child! ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS YOU CAN REVIEW OVER THE SUMMER ARE THE BASIC ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION FACTS UP TO 20.  THESE WILL BE VERY HELPFUL TO KNOW FOR DOUBLE-DIGIT ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION IN SECOND GRADE!


Homework for the Week of May 9th-13th

This week, only reading homework and math timing homework is required.  It is not necessary to fill out a Homework Form for this week’s homework.  Please complete the following activities:

SPELLING CHECK: Below is the link to the entire list of First Grade High-Frequency Words.  At this point in the year, your child should be able to read and spell all words on the list.  Please take a moment to go over the list with your child and identify and work on any words that your child may be struggling with:

CLICK HERE for the List of High Frequency Words (2)

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A Reading for All Learners (Book Buddy) leveled book will be sent home with your child DAILY. Please have your child read the book (or one story from the books that contain more than one story) at least three times and then sign the included form. You may supplement your child’s reading using books at home, library books, etc. to fulfill the minimum requirement of 20-30 minutes of reading per day. 

It is not necessary to fill out a Homework Form for this week’s homework.  Simply initialing the form that comes home with your child’s Book Buddy is sufficient.

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This activity should be completed Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  It is not necessary to fill out a Homework Form for this week’s homework – I trust that you will do it.
  1. Visit the following website:
  2. Select “Level 200.”  For this week, please read passage # 208 (The Laws of the Land) for MONDAY and TUESDAY, and passage #209 (Our Country’s Government) for WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 
  3.  Complete a one-minute timed reading and record your score on the Homework Form. Feel free to use this online timer: Find your score by subtracting the number of incorrect words read from the total number of words read in one minute (for instance, if you read 98 words, but read 5 of the words incorrectly, your score would be 93).   
  4. Re-tell the story with as much detail as possible, and in your own words, to a parent, using the guidelines described below:
Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

If you are able to read the entire passage in less than a minute: start again at the top of the passage and read as many more words as you can until the one-minute timing is over.  For scoring, include the total words read during the entire minute. For instance, if you read the entire passage (137 words) and then read part of it again (39 words) before the one-minute timing was over, your score would be 176 (if you had no mistakes).

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  • ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION TIMINGS: Complete a 2 minute timing every night for both addition and subtraction facts. Please have your child do EVERY problem in a row, not skipping any. Then draw a line where they end and they will start there the next day. PLEASE CHECK FOR ACCURACY (an answer sheet is included).  Your child should get in about 3 or 4 timings each side. If you have questions let me know. Click below to print timings worksheets (I know the bottom row got cut off – please ignore!):
  • CLICK HERE for SUBTRACTION Timings Sheet
  • CLICK HERE for ADDITION Timings Sheet

Water Bottles

In this warm weather, it is a good idea for your child to have a water bottle here in class. Water Bottle We keep our water bottles in the cubbies, and students are welcome to get a drink ANY time they want, as long as I am not right in the middle of instruction.  

Having a water bottle here in class will help eliminate the need for unnecessary trips down to the drinking fountain during this critical time in the school year when we are trying complete instruction and review for coming end-of-level tests.  

Please label the water bottle with your child’s name.  Please be sure that the water bottle is easy for your child to open and close by him/herself.  Thank you!

Homework for the Week of May 2nd-6th

THIS WILL BE OUR LAST WEEK OF SPELLING, WORD SORT, AND MATH HOMEWORK FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR. The following weeks will be reading and math timing homework only.
For this week’s homework, there are 
5 components required:

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!)
2. Word Sorts
3. Spelling
4. Math, including Addition and Subtraction Fact Memorization
5. Timed Reading

Each week, print out the
 Homework Form With Timed Reading (CLICK HERE). If you would like to reduce the number of necessary printed papers, you may choose to print only page 1 of the Homework Form and use any blank paper for Tuesday’s Writing Sort and Thursday’s Glue Sort (see below).  
  • This form does NOT need to be printed or turned in for credit during weeks that we are doing only READING homework.  Simply initialing the form that comes home with your child’s Book Buddy is sufficient during those weeks.

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A Reading for All Learners (Book Buddy) leveled book will be sent home with your child DAILY. Please have your child read the book (or one story from the books that contain more than one story) at least three times and then sign the included form. You may supplement your child’s reading using books at home, library books, etc. to fulfill the minimum requirement of 20-30 minutes of reading per day. 

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Each week, print your student’s assigned Word Sort by clicking on the appropriate link below.  Use the Word Sort for the following activities:
  • Monday: Print, cut, and sort your words with an adult and explain this week’s rule. Sort each word under the correct guide word. Some guide words have a C or V combination on them – C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel.
  • Tuesday: Practice the sort and write it (using the grid on page 2 of the Homework Form).
  • Wednesday: Blind Sort (Lay down the guide words and then read the rest of the words aloud without showing them to your child. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.
  • Thursday: Sort and glue (sort the words and glue them using the grid on page 3 of the Homework Form).

Word Sorts: 
Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.01.33 PMHunches Sort: CLICK HERE for Yellow Sort 19
(Anna, Adriel)

Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.01.11 PMSneetches Sort: CLICK HERE for Yellow Sort 23
(Deklyn, Zoey, Logan, Vincent, Christopher, Dea, Khloee, Saidi, Tanner) 

Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 10.11.32 AMBarbaloots: CLICK HERE for Yellow Sort 29
(Kaylee, Xander, London, Jaxx, Keagan, Rowdy, Ryan, Quinnlyn)

Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.01.24 PMThings Sort: CLICK HERE for Yellow Sort 34
(Aaron, Raya, Mason)

Screen shot 2013-09-08 at 5.00.51 PMWhos Sort: CLICK HERE for Yellow Sort 38
(Ava, Rock, Maylee)

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  • Study the following “High Frequency Words” using any method you wish in order to prepare for the weekly spelling test on Fridays.
  • There is a list of recommended spelling study activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Spelling Word Activities, but, again, you may use any method you wish.  
  • Please write the spelling words in alphabetical order on the Homework Form.   
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  • Print off the weekly My Math homework pages (or you can use the copies that are sent home each week in your child’s backpack). Complete the My Math homework pages and staple them to the Homework Form.  The math homework worksheets below are electronic files only, so I will be unable to send hard copies of them home with your child; you will need to print the files from the links below.
  • CLICK HERE for My Math 2-Digit Addition Review
  • CLICK HERE for My Math Relate Addition and Subtraction Review
  • CLICK HERE for My Math Subtract Tens Review
  • Please also practice math skills regularly by utilizing any of the math activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Math Activities.  These math facts activities do not need to be documented for homework credit – they are simply a resource to help you practice math fluency on a regular basis. I strongly encourage you to have your child do the IXL math and Xtra Math regularly.
    • Complete a 2 minute timing every night for both addition and subtraction facts. Please have your child do EVERY problem in a row, not skipping any. Then draw a line where they end and they will start there the next day. PLEASE CHECK FOR ACCURACY (an answer sheet is included).  Your child should get in about 3 or 4 timings each side. If you have questions let me know. Click below to print timings worksheets (I know the bottom row got cut off – please ignore!):
    • CLICK HERE for SUBTRACTION Timings Sheet
    • CLICK HERE for ADDITION Timings Sheet

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This activity should be completed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  
  1. Visit the following website:
  2. Select “Level 200”. For this week, please read passage # 206 (Citizens) for MONDAY and TUESDAY, and passage #207 (The Right to Vote) for WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 
  3.  Complete a one-minute timed reading and record your score on the Homework Form. Feel free to use this online timer: Find your score by subtracting the number of incorrect words read from the total number of words read in one minute (for instance, if you read 98 words, but read 5 of the words incorrectly, your score would be 93).   
  4. Re-tell the story with as much detail as possible, and in your own words, to a parent, using the guidelines described below:
Non-Fiction Re-tell Rope 3Fiction Re-Tell Rope 3

If you are able to read the entire passage in less than a minute: start again at the top of the passage and read as many more words as you can until the one-minute timing is over.  For scoring, include the total words read during the entire minute. For instance, if you read the entire passage (137 words) and then read part of it again (39 words) before the one-minute timing was over, your score would be 176 (if you had no mistakes).