Don’t Forget

Parents, I am reposting this information. Don’t forget to fill this out!!

We will be having a Mountain Man Rendezvous at school (a.k.a. the Economics Fair) on Thursday, December 14th. Students will be required to make a product or plan a service to “sell” during the rendezvous. Some examples include: Native American Drums, flower pens, play dough, slime, hand warmers, jewelry, and crafts. No food items will be allowed. This product should be homemade. Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make their product. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal. Students will need to make 24 items to sell.

From now until the rendezvous, students will have the opportunity to earn “animal pelts”. This is our form of money. They will have a chance to earn 10 pelts each day (based on behavior). This is the currency they will use to buy things at the rendezvous. 

This is a really fun activity, so please fill out this Google Form as soon as possible!
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