Monthly Archives: March 2018

Have a great Spring Break!

I’ll see everyone back here on Monday, April 9th. Get lots of rest and relaxation because we are going to focus on getting ready for SAGE testing when you get back!

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Titanic Project

Dear Parents,We have been learning about the Titanic. As a fourth grade we would like to end our unit with a wall sized diorama of the Titanic (see picture below). Each class will be given a section of the ship … Continue reading

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Homework for the week of March 26th will be on an individual basis. I will be sending home a few worksheets with certain students, but everyone else should play Prodigy or Math Playground! Don’t forget to read for 20 minutes … Continue reading

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New Link

STUDENTS! Check out the new link called MATH PLAYGROUND on the bookmarks menu to the right —–>

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Yearbook Reminder

Yearbook sales are coming to an end! Click here to order!

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Permission Slip

Staker-Parsons is coming on March 28th to talk with 4th grade about rocks and how rocks are used in the world. Part of this activity involves students “mining” for chocolate chip cookies in rocks. The following cookies are used:Chips Ahoy … Continue reading

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Homework and Other Stuff

Homework this week: 3/19-3/23READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  The book reports  will be due at the end of the quarter. More info on that can be found on the Book Reports page. Reading the book assigned online for … Continue reading

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Mindset Monday

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Class Party

For the past four weeks, our class has had 100% Mastery of the Math standards (4.MD.4, 4.G.1, 2, and 3)! As a reward for their hard work, we are going to have a class party! They may bring electronics on Wednesday, … Continue reading

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Volunteers Needed

Parents, we were asked to share this information about volunteers needed for the carnival. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!Click here for a pdf of the Carnival Flyer.

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