Monthly Archives: March 2018


Yearbook sales are coming to an end! Click here to order!

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This Week’s Homework

3/12-3/16READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  The book reports  are dues this week, and students have already signed up to present. More info on next quarter can be found on the Book Reports page. Reading the book assigned … Continue reading

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Mindset Monday

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Dress Down Day Friday

Dear Parents,Two employees from Quest are mentors for Youthlinc, a Utah-based nonprofit organization that organizes local and international service projects for youth. They are planning an international service project to a small village in Nepal for two weeks next July. They will … Continue reading

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This Week’s Homework

3/5-3/9READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  The book reports  will be due at the end of the quarter. More info on that can be found on the Book Reports page. Reading the book assigned online for ELA counts for … Continue reading

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Tomorrow’s Activities

Just a final reminder that tomorrow is Dr. Seuss Day. Students may dress up as a Dr. Seuss character, or wear green, or have crazy Who-hair, or all of the above!To celebrate, POQA has arranged a free family skate night … Continue reading

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