Monthly Archives: April 2018

Field Trip Wednesday

Details about the field trip:The entire fourth grade will be traveling to Thanksgiving Point to tour the Museum of Ancient Life. Our classes will be using the Frontrunner instead of buses for this field trip. The field trip will be … Continue reading

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Library News

Students and parents, Just a few important things to now about Library. Next week (April 30th) is the last check out day for Library. The following week (May 7) is the last week of Library. All books must be returned or … Continue reading

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4th Grade Program

Dear Parents,  The 4th Grade Utah History program is a presentation of what we have learned this year in Utah History. Students will wear their best dress that evening. If any of your students will not be able to make … Continue reading

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Getting Ready!

We are getting ready for SAGE testing, and having lots of fun in the process! If you come to school, you will see lots of decorations, and lots of buzz. Please encourage your students, they have learned what they need … Continue reading

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For the rest of the year, we will be using Education Galaxy for studying Math and ELA. Your students know what to work on! We have gone over it in great detail in class. Every student is different, but they … Continue reading

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Events Coming Up

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Book Reports, etc.

I have finally been able to lock down due dates for book reports. They will be due on May 7, and students will sign up to present the 7th, 8th, and 9th. These book reports should be on a biography or … Continue reading

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Dress Down Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a Dollar Dress Down Day!

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Field Trip!

I am very excited to announce our next field trip! The entire fourth grade will be traveling to Thanksgiving Point to tour the Museum of Ancient Life. Our classes will be using the Frontrunner instead of buses for this field trip. … Continue reading

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This Week in Class

Welcome back from break! The students came back so relaxed and excited to work. It is so great for all of us to be back in class.We are already winding down the school year, but we have lots of work … Continue reading

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