April 24th @6:30– 4th Grade “Utah–This is the Place” singing performance in Q1 gym. Please bring your own blankets or lawn chairs to sit on. All family and friends are invited to attend. Best dress is encouraged for the 4th graders, but parents and family can come in casual attire. Please no jeans or t-shirts for our performers. School uniforms are okay too.
Speaking parts and songs can be viewed here.
Speaking parts and songs can be viewed here.
April 30th– Field Trip to Thanksgiving Point. All parents are invited. There will be a limited number of free tickets available. More information will be coming soon! If you do not get one of the free tickets, you will need to pay the FrontRunner (before boarding) and Museum admission at the venue when we arrive.
Please pay the $7 field trip fee for you child at the office.
I need to turn in a sack lunch count. Please make sure your student knows if they are ordering one by Friday morning. They are the same price as regular school lunches: $2.00. They usually get an Uncrustable, a veggie in a little sack, some crackers and a small treat. I will bring the lunches to the FrontRunner station that morning for them to take in their backpacks. (If they order one and don’t eat it, it will still be billed to their lunch account.) If they are bringing a lunch, keep in mind they cannot heat it up, so it should be a cold lunch.
This will be fun!