The entire fourth grade will be traveling to Thanksgiving Point to tour the Museum of Ancient Life on Tuesday, April 30th. Here is what you need to know!
-Please pay $7.00 per student to the front office before April 24th. Fill out the permission slip before April 22. Here is the link.
-Please wear shoes made for walking. (We walk about a mile to get to the museum from the station.)
-Don’t forget to pack a lunch and bring a water bottle. We do not have microwaves or a fridge. (Four students ordered school sack lunch, and they know who they are.)
-No electronics are allowed on this field trip. Students may bring a book or cards for the train ride if they want.
-Do not plan on going to the gift shop, and please DO NOT send money with your student for the gift shop.
-Meet at the Roy FrontRunner station on 4000 South between 8:00 and 8:20, and NO LATER THAN 8:20.
-Meet NO LATER than 3:05 to pick up from the same station.
-We have 5 free tickets for parent chaperones to attend. As a chaperone you will be in charge of 5 students all day, so please don’t take these spots unless you are willing to do this. If I get more than 5 volunteers I will choose by drawing. Chaperones PLEASE do not buy things for students in the gift shop.
-All parents are invited to come, but no siblings are allowed. You will have to buy a ticket to the museum and FrontRunner (if you are not one of the 4 chaperones). Adults are $20, Seniors are $15. You will pay your admission when you arrive at the venue, not at the school office. You are welcome to buy a FrontRunner pass and travel with us or drive separately. Please arrive at the museum before 10:00. Parents PLEASE do not buy things for students in the gift shop. It has caused a lot of problems on past visits.
Any other questions, just email me! 🙂