Mindful Mondays

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Mountain Man Rendezvous

Parents, we will be having a Mountain Man Rendezvous at school (a.k.a. the Economics Fair) on Thursday, December 14th. Students will be required to make a product or plan a service to “sell” during the rendezvous. Some examples include: Native American Drums, flower pens, play dough, slime, hand warmers, jewelry, and crafts. No food items will be allowed. This product should be homemade. Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make their product. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal. Students will need to make 24 items to sell.

From now until the rendezvous, students will have the opportunity to earn “animal pelts”. This is our form of money. They will have a chance to earn 10 pelts each day (based on behavior). This is the currency they will use to buy things at the rendezvous. 

This is a really fun activity, so please fill out this Google Form as soon as possible!
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This Week’s Homework


READING: Go to Readworks and read the series of articles on Weather and Climate. They will login using their Google Login. Class Code is 3RVTBN. Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  They will have another book report due at the end of the second quarter. This book will be a mystery.

MATH: Go to FrontRow Ed and do Targeted Practice #48.
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Check out Quest on Facebook

Check out the Facebook live video on Quest Academy’s Facebook page. You will see our own Tylen dumping ice cream on Ms. Slaugh’s head!
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Students of the Week

Our Student of the Week last week was Mack Smedley!

Student of the week is a student who exemplifies P.R.I.D.E.! Mack is a wonderful student who exemplifies all areas of our PRIDE model. Not only is she always on task and giving 100% to every assignment, but she also has never had an absence or a tardy the whole school year! She got to have ice cream with the administration last Friday.

Our student of the week this week is Tylen Bennick!

He was nominated by our sub last week, Ms. Saunders. Tylen is a great student and always gives his all. He respects others and himself and is an honest citizen, Tylen will have lunch this Friday with the administration and other students of the week (from other classes). He gets to enjoy ice cream with lunch. 

Way to go, Mack and Tylen!
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Homework 11/13-11/17

Hi Students and Parents!

Things are back to normal in class. Here is the homework for this week:

READING: Students must always read a minimum of 20 minutes each day.  They will have another book report due at the end of the second quarter. This book will be a mystery.

MATH: Go to FrontRow Ed and do Adaptive Practice #89, Adaptive Practice #79, and Fact Practice #38. These are all practices and reviews to strengthen their Math skills. I have told the students not to do assignments at home unless I assign them. These are assigned as homework this week, so they should be doing these three at home (in case that was unclear to them).

Also, please check out the information about the Reindeer Run:
edit reindeer run
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Student of the Week

Our Student of the Week is XANDER TRACY!

Student of the week is a student who exemplifies P.R.I.D.E.! I told the students this week I was looking for students who show respect. Xander is very respectful to teachers and other students, and he is always on task and ready to learn. He has worked very hard in Math and has had 100% on the past five Math standard assessments!

Xander will have lunch this Friday with the administration and other students of the week (from other classes). He gets to enjoy ice cream with lunch. 

Way to go, Xander!
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Book Order

Parents, I am submitting the book order for October at the end of today. If you want books on this round, be sure to order before 5:00 tonight! Thanks!!
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The fourth grade will be beginning our STEM after school club session. We will be crocheting scarves, and it will be taught by Mrs. Stone.  Students must print out this form, fill it out, and bring it to the front desk at school by November 6. There are limited spots and students will be selected by random drawing. More information is on the form.

STEM club will be held every Tuesday afternoons from 3:10 – 3:40 pm. It will be held November 14 and 28th, and December 5 and 12. All sessions need to be attended to not be behind.  Students will be required to be picked up promptly at 3:40.  This is a fourth grade club only,  no siblings allowed.  


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Hi, parents. Thanks for coming to Parent-Teacher Conferences. I think they went very well. Here are a few reminders for the next couple of weeks:

-Our food drive is underway! Our class collected 124 cans so far. Keep them coming!
-Next week we have school Monday, then a short day on Tuesday. 
-Tuesday is Halloween, and we will have the Halloween parade followed by our class party.
-Wednesday is a teacher work day, so no school for the students.
-Thursday and Friday are back to normal.
-I will have a substitute on Thursday and Friday, and again for the next week. However, I will be checking email and Bloomz, so I will answer if you message me. I have every minute of the day planned out for our wonderful students!

Have a great weekend!

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