Student of the week 10/9

Our Student of the Week is BRITTON GALT!

Student of the week is a student who exemplifies P.R.I.D.E.! Britton takes personal responsibility for his learning. He is always on time and is always prepared. He respects other students and his teachers. Britton is an active learner and always participates in class discussions and collaborates well in groups.

Britton will have lunch this Friday with the administration and other students of the week (from other classes). He gets to enjoy a root beer float with lunch.

Way to go, Britton!
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Corn Maze

Here is some info about the corn maze tomorrow night. It should be fun–I will be there!

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Homework 10/2-10/6

READING: Students must read 20 minutes every night. Remember to read a book for the Book Report!

MATH: Students should log in to FrontRow Ed for 20 minutes and work on Math practice, Fact Practice #99, and Targeted Practice #46. Students know how to log in after clicking the link to the right of the screen. I will be able to track their work online so there is no need to print anything.

TECH: Students should log into Google Docs and write a limerick about anything they want. Here is a sample limerick:

There was an Old Man with a Beard BY EDWARD LEAR
There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, “It is just as I feared!—
Two Owls and a Hen, four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard.

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A little more about grades

Just a reminder about Mastery Grading. This type of grading is directly connected to state standards. I teach the subject matter to the students and test them each week on what they have learned. Parents can clearly understand where kids are academically by their grades in aspire. Their grade is not affected by missing classwork or homework; it is based on whether or not they have mastered a standard. 

Grading Scale:
4-Student has mastered the standard and can teach others.
3-Student is proficient at the standard.
2-Student is approaching proficiency (can do it with help).
1-Student is well below proficiency.

As you can see, the grading is different than traditional letter grades. As a teacher, this allows me to teach in a very individualized way, focusing in on what each student needs based on assessments (instead of whether or not they did homework assignments). If your student has a missing test score, they were likely absent that day and I they will have a chance to make that up. Similarly, if they got a very low score on a test and are below proficiency, I will pull them back into small groups (or even alone) and teach them one-on-one to help them master the subject. They will have as many chances as they need to pull that grade up.

What if your child doesn’t test well on formal assessments? Not to worry! If I work with them individually and they show me they are proficient, that is all I need. As soon as I see they have mastered the standard, I raise their grade. So if you see a score on a test that is below proficiency, you can be assured that I am working with them individually to get that score raised.

If you have any questions on grades, feel free to send me a message in Bloomz or email. Thanks, parents!

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Parents, you may check your student’s grades in Aspire. You most likely created the login on Back to School night. There is a link to Aspire always on the link section of this blog (on the right). If you are not sure how to login, just call the front office and they can tell you your login and password. I update the grades every week. If you have any concerns about grades, contact me anytime.
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Book Orders

Please take a moment to order books. Our book order is due this Friday. When our big box of books arrives, I love handing these books out to the students!

Ordering online is fast and easy:
• ENTER the Class Activation Code: RFHMK
• CHOOSE from thousands of print titles, value packs, and Storia eBooks
• SUBMIT the order to Mrs. Anson
• EARN FREE Books for you and the classroom, too!
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Field Trip Info

Our field trip is THIS Thursday, September 28th. We are going to This is the Place Heritage Park. We will be traveling by bus, but parents who are volunteering will need to drive themselves because we do not have enough room on the bus. If you have not paid $5 to the office, please do so immediately. This pays for the bus and entrance to the park.

Please also take this opportunity to send your $6 donation for your child’s subscription to Scholastic News. This is the tool we use the learn about current events, and it is a wonderful magazine that comes with a lot of freebies. The $6 is for a year subscription. THANK YOU!!
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Better version of Super STEM Hero video

The students sure loved starring in this video! Here’s a better version:

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Supplies Needed

If you are out shopping and happen to come across some notebook paper, we would be most grateful in our class to have some donations! It would help our class so much to have some notebook paper for our assignments in class.

Also, if you have not sent a 1″ binder, please do so as soon as possible. We are starting our new binder system on Monday. Thanks so much!
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Homework 9/18-9/22

Sorry for the late post, but I was out sick today and the students had a sub. I will be there tomorrow. Homework for this week will be just like we have been doing the past few weeks. 

READING: Students must read 20 minutes every night. Remember to read a book for the Book Report!

MATH: Students should log in to FrontRow Ed for 20 minutes and work on Math practice at home. Students know how to log in after clicking the link to the right of the screen. I will be able to track their work online so there is no need to print anything.

Click here to give permission for your child to attend.
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