For your enjoyment:

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Field Trip

Our first field trip will be September 28nd, 2016. We will be going to This is the Place Heritage Park.

A bus will take us down and bring us back. The suggested donation will be $5 per student, and this pays for our bus and student admission. Please pay your funds to the front office as soon as possible. We are in need of three parent volunteers per class. Indicate if you are willing to attend and it will be first come, first serve. Parents who volunteer will drive themselves as we do not have much room on the bus. This is convenient because you can sign out your child and go straight home afterward. 

Click here to give permission for your child to attend.

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Math Lesson for 9/11

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Homework 9/11-9/15

SPELLING: No spelling this week.

READING: Students must read 20 minutes every night. Remember to read a book for the Book Report!

MATH: Students should log in to FrontRow Ed and work on any assignments (especially #77 and #80) at home. Students know how to log in after clicking the link to the right of the screen. I will be able to track their work online so there is no need to print anything.

TECH: Students must log in to Google Classroom at home. Click on the assignment called “Student Comments” and comment on the document with the student’s favorite candy. This is to verify that students know how to use Google Classroom (we learned to use it in class today). Remember:, followed by their password.
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Get Excited!

Students brought home a packet for a fundraiser today. We are selling Cookie Dough to help fund amazing things for our awesome students. IF OUR CLASS REACHES 150 ORDERS as a class, WE EARN AN ICE CREAM PARTY! Parents have the chance to win a weekend getaway in Las Vegas!

More importantly, proceeds from the cookie dough will help to fund school activities like clubs, sports, field day, field trips, library books, and more. 

Here are some things to know:
The fundraiser sale begins TODAY
Orders are due back by Sept 18
Make checks to POQA
Cookie dough orders will arrive Oct 6 at the school

Online sales also count, and they are an easy way to invite family and friends to place orders.
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Class Supplies

Dear parents, I am going to have the kids start using some binders for their work. We have MANY kids in the class who are struggling with organization, and I would like to take the opportunity to teach them some organization and note taking skills. I would like to ask parents to purchase a 1″ binder (any design) and a pack of notebook paper. Please send these to school by Friday, September 15th. Thanks so much!

I realize this wasn’t on the original supply list, and if you are unable to provide it just let me know.
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Math Lesson Week of 5-8

Here is our Math lesson for this week on rounding large numbers:

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Homework Sept 5-8

SPELLING: We have a spelling test each Friday, so you should practice the words on the Spelling link throughout the week. (We do a pretest on Mondays, so the students know which ones they need to work on.)

READING: Students must read 20 minutes every night. Remember to read a book for the Book Report!

MATH: Students should log in to FrontRow Ed and work on Targeted Practice #77 and #82 at home. Students know how to log in after clicking the link to the right of the screen. I will be able to track their work online so there is no need to print anything.
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Dear parents, please send headphones for your child if you have not done so already. There are several students who are not getting the most out of tests and activities because they cannot hear the sound. If for some reason you cannot get headphones for your child please let me know.

Tonight students should be studying their Spelling words and Math (via Prodigy or FrontRow) as they will have an assessment tomorrow. Thanks!
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Math Lesson Today

Here is today’s Math lesson. It doesn’t let me trim the beginning, so sorry you have to listen to the class for a bit before it starts. 🙂 This lesson is for your information.

Also, have your child add themselves to my class in Prodigy using Class Code: 227D54. If they don’t have Prodigy yet, use the link to the right to log in and setup a free account.

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