Homework Aug 28-Sept 1

I will be assigning homework on a weekly basis (not daily). Homework will be posted here as well as on the Homework link on the menu bar under “This Week’s Homework” for quick reference.

Here is the homework for this week–

SPELLING:  I have added a link for our spelling words. We have a spelling test each Friday, so the students should practice those words throughout the week. (We do a pretest on Mondays, so the students know which ones they need to work on most.)

READING: Students must read 20 minutes every night. I do not have them fill out a reading log, but they should be reading EVERY DAY.

MATH: I have assigned some Math assignments on Front Row Ed. Students should work on Targeted Practice #20 and #26 at home. The others we do in class. Students know how to log in after clicking the link to the right of the screen. (Class code is ansonx.) I will be able to track their work online so there is no need to print anything.
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Math Lesson

We are working on Place Value this week. Here is a little bit of what we did in class:
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Today’s Math Lesson

I am working on getting a version of this that allows me to keep the lessons, but for now it deletes the old one. New lesson will be posted later today!
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We are in full swing!

Even with the eclipse today (as well as school pictures), we jumped right into our Language Arts, Utah History, Spelling, and Math. Remember that even though we have not started homework, students should still be reading 20 minutes a day. We got our spelling words, and I will be posting those tomorrow for parents’ information.

One thing I did notice with the students today is that several of them do not have their times tables memorized. Please spend time with them getting those committed to memory. It will really pay off!
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Eclipse Glasses

Guess what? Dr. Dave purchased eclipse glasses for the whole school so the kids can watch the eclipse! We are still going to build our viewers, just so the kids can see how it works. It was a great first week of school and I am looking forward to next week!
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Picture Day

Also, don’t forget picture day is Monday!
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Second day of school

The second day of school is now over. The kids are doing great. If you do not have Bloomz, please download it on your phone and sign up. I can communicate daily with you about your child if you do so. I only have half of the class on Bloomz so far.

Today I sent home two flyers about Hooper Tomato Days and school portraits, so look for those in the kids’ backpacks. We went through more school procedures and started reading “The Fabulous Mr. Fox” as a class.
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First Day of School

Hi, Class!
The first day of school is here (tomorrow). Please bring school supplies if you have not yet. Remember to subscribe to this blog on the right side of the screen so you can get updates on what is happening in school. Also remember to sign up for the Bloomz account using the code I gave you on Back to School night. We will not have homework the first two weeks of school while we get back into schedules and routines. Make sure to get plenty of sleep so you can do your best each day. See you in class!
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I am looking forward to meeting all of you on Monday, August 14th, for Back to School Night. I will be introducing myself and presenting important classroom information every half hour, so please plan to come at the time that is most convenient for you. The times are 5:30pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm, and 7:00pm.

If your students are returning to Quest this year, you already have access to ASPIRE. You may log in and apply for free and reduced lunch if you qualify. Parents who are new to Quest will need to visit one of the computer labs on back to school night to access your ASPIRE login.

Please check back to this blog often for important information, and feel free to use the comment section on my posts. We are going to have a great year in 4th grade!
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