Mrs. Anson’s 4th Grade Disclosure
This disclosure will help us to work together to make this a wonderful year at Quest. Please read through this disclosure and be sure to sign by clicking on the disclosure signature link at the bottom of this page.Student Expectations
1. I will be on my best behavior and to follow all classroom and school rules.
2. I will be responsible for all my classwork, homework, and projects.
3. I will be prepared to learn, including being prepared with all necessary materials and a positive attitude for learning.
4. I will do my best work, including my best on classwork, homework, and tests.
5. I will be respectful to my teacher and to all other students.
(For more information on my classroom management procedures, feel free to click here.)
Teacher Expectations
1. I will respect students and work to help them feel important and respected.
2. I will be prepared to teach every day.
3. I will keep parents and students informed.
4. I will do my best every day to help students learn and make the process as engaging as possible.
5. I will be a good example to students.
Parent Expectations
1. I will respectfully communicate and questions or concerns.
2. I will subscribe to and check the class blog and email regularly and stay informed. (Take a moment to subscribe now on the top right of this page.)
3. I will be involved in the classroom and my student’s education by asking questions, volunteering, and helping students with projects and homework when appropriate.
4. I will assist student in completing and turning in work.
5. I will treat other parents, students, and school personnel with respect and kindness and be a good example to my student.
Absences and Tardies:
If you know your student will be absent, please inform the office. If they are going to be absent for several days, please contact me. Work that needs to be made up will be their responsibility. Not all missed work can be sent home and some will need to be completed in school. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR STUDENT ARRIVES ON TIME EVERY DAY. When students are habitually late, they miss very important morning work. Habitually late students inevitably fall behind in their work.
Quest is a no food school. Do not feel obligated to send any kind of treat with your child. Birthdays will be acknowledged in class, and we will be celebrating the ½ birthdays for students whose birthdays are in the summer. If your child is having a party, please send invitations by mail or have them distribute them outside of class to avoid hurt feelings of those not invited.
Homework will be assigned and completed primarily online. At the beginning of each week, the assignments will be listed on the class blog. Ipads, computers, and even smartphones can be used to complete most homework assignments.
As required by state law, I will be using the Utah State Standards for all subjects when planning your child’s learning map. I will also be using Quest’s Technology Standards. Please familiarize yourself with these standards. We will be learning a variety of programs, keyboarding, and publishing. We will also be incorporating STEM projects throughout the year.
Library: Students will not be allowed to call home if they have forgotten library books on library day, which is once a week (see schedule).
Grading: If your child is behind in more than two missing assignments, I will notify you by email. Be sure that the email you give the school to contact you is an email that you check often.
The Elementary Grading Scale:
4- 100%-90% The student demonstrates mastery of the standard (can apply and teach).
3- 89%-80% The student demonstrates proficiency of the standard.
2- 79%-60% The student is approaching proficiency.
1- 59%-0% The student is well below proficiency.
Understanding where students are in relation to mastery of Common Core standards helps teachers and parents know if students need additional help, if students are proficient, or if students need further enrichment. At Quest Academy, students grades are determined by student performance on various grade level assessments. Students are given multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery and proficiency of standards. For example, if a student receives a below proficiency score, he/she will not only be retaught, but will also have the opportunity to raise his/her score by retaking the assessment multiple times throughout the term. For more information on Mastery Grading, click here.
Please sign the Google form to acknowledge that you read through this disclosure and permission to post your child’s picture (without names) on the blog, seesaw, and the Quest Facebook page. Please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to contact me at any time.
Click here to sign the disclosure (required).