Homework Week of April 27

I can’t believe that this is the last week in April. I’m so sad at how fast this school year is going. Your kids are growing up so fast and are really getting ready for 4th grade!

We are going to be done with word sorts for the rest of the school year. We have a lot to do to get prepared for SAGE testing. We will be working on some sight words instead as well as reviewing some of the most commonly misspelled words. Your students will ONLY be required to do math each night for homework as well as reading 20 minutes. You WILL NOT need to print out any homework forms, simply turn in the math homework on Friday and log your reading minutes on the Reading Log or you can go to homework on the homepage and there is a google document under the reading tab. (LESS PAPER YAY!!)

It is very important for all students to be at school (on time) for the next three weeks.  Thanks for all your support in preparing our class to do awesome on SAGE!!!

Monday: Chapter 14 Review ODDS ONLY
Chapter 14 Review KEY

Tuesday: perimeter hmwk 1

Wednesday:perimeter hmwk 2

Thursday:  perimeter hmwk 3

Friday: Turn in Math Homework and Reading Log!!

April 20-24 Homework


Group 1:
Conner M, Dawson,  Gracie, Jaiden, Chace
Group 1

Group 2:
Gunner, Macey, Gauge, Kyler, Colin
Group 2

Group 3:
Aiden, Maya, Alex, Rowdy, Avery
Group 3

Group 4:
William, Rhett, Avena, Zackery
Group 4

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.
EVENS, They only need to put whether the angle is a right angle or not. They DO NOT need to put if it’s obtuse or acute.

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – Speed Sort

angles3  ODDS, Only label each angle a right angle or not a right angle.

Read for 20 minutes
SORT –  No Peeking Sort

14.2  ALL

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – Glue Sort – Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rules

Turn in Sort-and-Reading-Log  

Homework Week of April 13


Group 1:
Conner M, Dawson,  Gracie, Jaiden, Chace
Group 1

Group 2:
Gunner, Macey, Gauge, Kyler, Colin
Group 2

Group 3:
Aiden, Maya, Alex, Rowdy, Avery
green sort 8

Group 4:
William, Rhett, Avena, Zackery
Group 4

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.

Elapsed Time

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – Speed Sort

Elapsed Time Word Problems

Read for 20 minutes
SORT –  No Peeking Sort

Elapsed Time #2

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – Glue Sort – Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rules
Front Row Ed or Moby Max Math Test Prep for 15 minutes

Turn in Sort-and-Reading-Log  

Class Play Parts ANNOUNCED YAY!!

I let the students give me 3 choices of what they wanted their part to be. I was able to give each student one of those 3 choices so it worked out well! I’ve encouraged the students to watch The Wizard of Oz so they can get ideas for their costumes. They DO NOT need to be elaborate. Get creative!

We will be working HARD these next two months to get ready for it!
Let me know if you have any questions/concerns.

Munchkin #1: Rowdy
Munchkin #2: Conner
Munchkin #3: Kyler
Wicked Witch of The East: Avery
Flying Monkey: Dawson
Flying Monkey: Alex
Flying Monkey: Gauge
Flying Monkey: Colin
Dorothy: Macey
Toto: Aiden
Wicked Witch of the West: Maya
Good Witch of the North: Avena
Scarecrow: Gunner
Lion: Zackery
Tin Woodsman: Rhett
Wizard: William
Winkie #1: Chace
Winkie #2: Jaiden
Winkie #3: Gracie


Spring Break is over… I can’t believe we have only 8 more weeks of school! We will be very busy these next 8 weeks so PLEASE ensure your child is at school everyday on time. We have a lot to do to get ready for Sage Testing in May.
This week:
Monday: Mrs. Ruby will be our guest teacher for the day
Tuesday: We Do Hear Author Skype
Wednesday: Library
Friday: Mystery Skype and Math Chapter 11 Test

We will be starting our class play this week. I am so excited! We will be doing a play called “Munchkin Mediation: Conflict Resolution in Oz”. It’s a Wizard of Oz themed play that connects directly with our third grade core curriculum. I am beyond excited to work on this and perform for the parents.
Each child will need to provide their own costume. They will be basic and I will let parents know by this weekend which part your child has so you have plenty of time to prepare. We will be performing the play the last week in May. I will give you an exact date by the end of this week as well.

Thank you for everything you do to support your student and our class!

Homework Week of April 6


Group 1:
Joshua, Conner M, Dawson,  Gracie, Jaiden, Chace
Group 1

Group 2:
Gunner, Macey, Gauge, Kyler, Colin
Group 2

Group 3:
Aiden, Maya, Alex, Rowdy, Avery
Group 3

Group 4:
William, Rhett, Avena, Zackery
Group 4

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – ABC Sort – Have your child explain the sort rule to you and put their words in alphabetical order.
Chapter 11.5 – 1-6 ONLY
Chapter 11.5 Key

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – Speed Sort

MATH- Front Row Ed for 15 minutes

Read for 20 minutes
SORT –  No Peeking Sort

MATH –  Chapter 11.6 -1-7 ONLY
Chapter 11.6 Key

Read for 20 minutes
SORT – Glue Sort – Glue down the rules and the sorts that follow those rules
MATH – elapsed time 2

Turn in Sort-and-Reading-Log