Homework for the Week of Feb. 15, 2016

  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
  • Field trip to the Planetarium on Feb. 24th
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction at the upcoming gala on March 21st. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome! We have a 3rd grade parent who will be putting the basket together. Thanks!!
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

No sorts this week because it is a short week.

Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Homework for the Week of Feb. 8, 2016

  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
  • Multiplication Madness party is on Feb. 12th (this Friday!!!) 
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome! We have a 3rd grade parent who will be putting the basket together. Donations can be brought in starting today. Thanks!!
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Sort/Key

Orange Group-Sort/Key

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Field Trip on Thursday

WE are super excited about heading to the Children’s Theatre and State Capitol Building Thursday (Feb. 4th)!!  It’s going to be a very exciting day!

Here are a few reminders:
-Please be at school no later than 8:20 AM on Thursday.  Our bus will be leavingpromptly at 8:25 AM.  We must leave on time to get to the theatre on time.
-Students need to bring a backpack.  In their backpack they need: a lunch, a water bottle, and a jacket.  Students are also allowed to bring a book or a game to keep them occupied during the bus ride.
-Students need to wear uniforms and name badges on field trip as well.

Parents that are attending:
-Remember there is no room on the bus for parents.  Sorry, we have lots of third graders.  Parents need to drive separately and can carpool  ride together down there.  The address of the Children’s Theatre is 3605 South State Street, SLC.  
-Parents need to get down to the theatre before the bus does, so you can pay your $5.00 admission at the door.  They won’t seat us until all parents have paid.
-No smaller siblings can come with us on the field trip.  
-Please bring your lunch

Homework for the Week of Feb 1, 2016

  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
  • Multiplication Madness party is on Feb. 12th (next Friday!!!) Our class is collecting squeeze chocolate sauce and squeeze strawberry sauce for our ice cream sundaes.
  • Field trip this Thursday!!!
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome! We have a 3rd grade parent who will be putting the basket together. Donations can be brought in starting today. Thanks!!
  • Superbowl Inference Party this Friday!
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Sort/Key

Orange Group-Sort/Key

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Homework for the Week Jan 25, 2016


  • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
  • Multiplication Madness party is on Feb. 12th
  • Field trip Feb. 4th. Permission slip–Children’s Theatre Permission Slip
  • 3rd Grade is in charge of making a basket to auction. We have chosen to do a sports theme, i.e. Jazz, Utah, BYU, etc. Donations would be welcome, as well as a parent who would like to spearhead the project. Let me know if you are interested. Donations can be brought in starting today. Thanks!!
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Sort/Key

Orange Group-Sort/Key

Monday-ABC Sort
Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort
  • 20 minutes of reading
  • Chapter Review Odds

Homework for the Week of Jan 18, 2016

Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Coming Sort/Key


Orange Group-Sort/Key

Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Field Trip!!

     We are currently planning a fun and adventurous field trip that will take place Thursday, February 4th.  We have the opportunity to visit the Children’s Theatre in Salt Lake for the production “Heroes of World War II”.  The cost of this production is $6.00 per student and we are asking each student pay their $6.00 to the front office (for admission and to help with price of bus), and then give their receipt to their teacher.    
     This field trip is our one and only bus field trip for the year.  We will be boarding the buses immediately after roll call and will need every student at school ON TIME.   We will not be able to wait for late students.   Volunteer parents will need to drive themselves or carpool with other volunteer parents. We will first go to the Children’s Theatre and then have lunch on the State Capitol grounds.  We will also take a tour of the State Capitol after lunch.  We will return to Quest Academy at 2:00.  Pick up will be at normal time.
     School lunch will not be available this day; so all children will need to bring a backpack with their lunch (and water bottle) inside.  Their backpacks will also serve as the storage place for their coats throughout the day. There is no need to bring any money. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather the day of the field trip.
     If you would like to chaperone on this trip, you are more than welcome to join us. The cost of each adult is $5.00, and will need to be paid as we enter the theater. We are sharing the theatre with another school and need to let them know the exact number of parents we will have with us. If we do not have a written commitment from you, by January 29th, you will not be able to attend with us.  Please indicate on the form below if you would like to go with us.  Due to the nature of this trip and the need of adult supervision,  PLEASE  make other arrangements for ALL other brothers and sisters.
     Please return the bottom portion of  this note–Children’s Theatre Permission Slip–and pay your $6.00 no later than Friday, January 29th; we will gladly take them before that.