House Keeping Things

Water Bottles

water bottleHot Weather + Recess = Thirsty First Graders!  🙂

Please send your child with a water bottle EACH DAY to keep in their cubbies (preferably one that doesn’t spill easily).   One drinking fountain with an entire class of students takes a lot of time and we want to make sure they are getting enough water. 


HeadphonesWe will begin using computers next week.  If your child has not brought headphones to school yet we encourage you to send them as soon as possible. We use our headphones EVERY SINGLE DAY, often all at the same time, and we do not allow students to borrow other students’ headphones because of liability in case they are broken, etc.  

Zoo Field Trip will be September 6th from 9:00am-1:00pm in order for your child to participate they must have permission from the yearly permission slip below. I am missing a few students permission from parents. I will send emails out of who is missing theirs. 

Please sign the yearly permission slip CLICK HERE This gives your child permission to participate in all the activities and learning experiences this year. I also can’t stress enough the importance of paying the office the donations for the field trip and parties. We rely on these donations in order for those activities to take place. It is $15 for the year for our field trips and $12 for our class parties. That amount will take care of ALL the activites for the year. 

Return blue folders daily.  This is an opportunity for your student to practice being responsible.  

Scholastic Book Orders

i love reading_boy3b_Happy Doodle ClassWe are excited to utilize the Scholastic Reading Club program in our classroom this year.  Ordering books for your children through this program gives our class points towards free books that your child will utilize in the classroom throughout the year.

Our first book order will be due Wednesday, August 31st
.   The Scholastic Book order link is located on the sidebar of our class blog (look for the red box) or simply click here: Scholastic Reading Club.  Ordering online is fast and easy, our class activation code is: P4V4R.  Online ordering allows you to shop all the books, not just the select books in the current flyer.

At Quest Academy we use Guided Reading to determine the level of our students reading ability.  Scholastic provides an option to shop by Guided Reading Level (GRL).  This is a great way to help provide your students with books that are on their reading level.  
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Friday News

out earlyThis is just a reminder that this Friday (26th) is a short day and a free dress down day. The elementary will begin at 8:30am and end at 1:00pm. Below are the guidelines for dress down Fridays: 

On free dress days, students are still expected to dress in a manner that positively impacts the learning environment. Clothing must be modest, tasteful, and it must not compromise safety standards for our students. The following standards include:

  • Shorts and skirts need to be consistent with QA Uniform Policy
  • No tank tops
  • No baggy pants
  • No bare or stocking feet
  • No open toe or heeled shoes
  • No clothing which displays obscene, vulgar, lewd, or sexually explicit words, messages or pictures
  • No clothing that exposes bare midriffs, buttocks or undergarments
  • No clothing assumed as gang related
  • If questions arise, the school administration, as the Board of Directors’ designee, has the authority to determine if a student’s dress is in keeping with this policy.

Volunteer Sign Up

For those parents/guardians who did not see the volunteer sign up sheet at back to school night here are the following things that you can sign up for. Please email me if you are available or willing to help out. 

Morning Centers: (Start October 1st)
Monday: 9:30-10:30am 
Friday: 9:30-10:30am Only one more coming once a month 

Afternoon Centers: 
Monday 1:50-2:50
Tuesday 1:50-2:50
Wednesday 1:50-2:50
Thursday 1:50-2:50

Parking Lot Help: 
Wednesdays 3:00pm-3:30pm

Winter Party
Head mom
2 volunteers

Valentine party: 

Head mom 
1 volunteer

*If you can only do office help at home such as cutting, correcting, etc. Please email me and I will write your name down. 

Homework for Week 22nd-26th

Here Weekly-Reading-Log is the reading homework log for this week. You only need to cut off one portion of the log and you can keep the others for other weeks. Your child should be reading at minimum 20 minutes every day. For now please just read books from home. This first time I will count it if you are reading to your child as well. Please have them read by themselves but you may also count time that you read to them this first time.

I will usually have a reading passage in their homework folder for them to be timed on and for them to read at home, but I haven’t got to read one on one with the students yet. This should hopefully be done this week, if not next. We will also get Raz-Kids up and running then they can go online and read books their as well. 

Happy Reading! 🙂 

Please email me with questions.

Picture Day/Reminders

Picture Day

Picture dayPicture Day is Monday, August 22nd
Wear school UNIFORMS (in the Spring there will be a dress down picture day)
Look for the picture day flyer in the blue homework folder.

You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questacad2016
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)

See flyer for additional payment options.  Quest Picture Day Flyer 2016


 Click above for the link to pictures of our silent signals that we use in class. If you can practice these with your child as well as the classroom rules (See Class Disclosure) so they don’t forget that would be great! Also ask your child about the following: 

1. What is the “magic” word?
2. What happens after Mrs. Bischoff says “Hands and Eyes?” 
3. What happens after Mrs. BIschoff says “Mirror?”
4. What do they listen for when closing their glue and markers?

It was a GREAT first week! It is going to be hard for the next couple of weeks as they transition into full days. Talk to your child about eating ALL their lunch so they aren’t hungry and we will do plenty of brain breaks to keep them going. 
PLEASE HAVE YOUR STUDENT BRING THEIR BLUE FOLDERS BACK TO SCHOOL EVERY DAY! They will be marking their behvaior charts at the end of everyday. 

Great First Day!!

Couples of quick things. 

1. At the end of the day I will take the students out of the East doors (by kindergarten). From there we will walk out front and hopefully be close to the first tree you see looking at the school from East to West. If you can please make a meeting spot with your child where they can go to meet you. The first few days I will be able to stay out front after that I will walk them out and then they are on their own. 

2. Ask your child about the following things we learned/did today: 

  • Classroom rules song
  • Name song (for writing their name on their paper)
  • Our Silent Signals (how to say I need to use the restroom, pencil, tissue etc.
3. We will not be starting homework for a couple of weeks. I will send home homework folders tomorrow so you can see the schedule. 

We had an AWESOME first day of school. Your kids are amazing and I had so much fun. I know we will have a great year! Enjoy these first day of school pictures!

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happyI was SO excited to see so many of you at back to school night. There are a couple of things that I forgot to mention that I wanted to make sure you are aware. 

1. PLEASE decide on a meeting spot outside for you to meet your child after school. Make sure they stay in that spot until you come and find them. The first two weeks I will walk them out and stay with them however, after that I have parking lot responsibilities in the back and won’t be able to stay with them. It gets busy at the end of the day and I want to make sure everyone is safe. 

2. Subscribing to the blog I can’t stress enough. This is my MAIN source of communication and when I update the blog you will receive an email of any and all updates. 

3. Please sign the yearly permission slip CLICK HERE This gives your child permission to participate in all the activities and learning experiences this year. I also can’t stress enough the importance of paying the office the donations for the field trip and parties. We rely on these donations in order for those activities to take place. It is $15 for the year for our field trips and $12 for our class parties. That amount will take care of ALL the activites for the year. 

4. If you paid the office $40 for the school supplies don’t forget you still need to purchase a backpack, water bottle, and a set of headphones. I will take care of the rest! 

See you all on Wednesday! 

Boys and Girls Club Info

During home visits some parents had questions about Boys and Girls Club. Here is what I found on our Facebook page. 

Boys and Girls Club is coming back to Quest for K-6th grade students. 

K-6 Grade Students: 

The price varies depending upon your income. The prices are per child, regardless how often they come. If you pay for the year upfront you get 1 month free (already included in yearly price) Tier 1/$480 per year or $60 per month, Tier 2 $320 per year or $40 per month, Tier 3/$160 per year or $20 per month. This year we will have an on site club at Quest Academy, so no transportation to the Roy Site will be offered (except for teens). We do not run the club before school. Club times run after school to 6pm on school days only, in the Q2 gym and/or in downstairs Q2 classrooms 117, 118, & 119. In this club the students will receive a snack, complete homework and read for 20 minutes, physical activity and participate in a club (they will have a variety of clubs throughout the year). 

Registration for the club will be held on Back to School Night at Quest Academy in the Q1(K-4th) building on Monday, August 15th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. At this time we will fully register & require payment. I will have an income chart available so you can decide which payment option would work best with your budget. 

We only have limited spots available & it usually fills quickly. School at Quest starts Wed Aug. 17th, however the after school club will not begin until Mon Aug. 29th.

The teen club, 7th-9th grade Quest kids, will be at the Roy Site & the parents will need to get information there about registration.

We feel very lucky to have the opportunity to offer this after school program at Quest.