Homework for Week 26th-30th

Only reading homework this week. Here is the Weekly-Reading-Log to keep track of minutes. You only need to cut off one portion of the log and you can keep the others for other weeks. 

Please have your child also do the math pages provided in their blue folders. You get a break from all other homework due to parent teacher conferences this week on Thursday. I will post the schedule I have for conferences on Monday. Thanks

Animal Reports

Parents Animal reports are due this Friday September 23rd! This is worth a lot of points and should be best writing and best drawing. The report itself is worth 20 points and then they will present it to the class for 20 more points.

Click here to learn about your animal on the Hogle Zoo website: 
Meet the Hogle Zoo Animals
Here is another fun animal website: 

Click here to 
print additional report formsMy Animal Report

Your child’s Animal: 

Peyton: Amur Leopard
Danika: Giraffe 
Daxton: Bald Eagle
Isla: African Pancake Tortoise
Ella: Grey Wolf
Dayzi: Polar Bear
Koli: Mexican Red Kneed Tarantula
Sam: Grey Wolf
Kyan: African Porcipine
Isaac: Bobcat
Norah: Snow Leopard
Garrett: Scorpion
Camden: Polar Bear
Kyler: Shiner Perch
Matt: Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra
Preston: Grizzly Bear
Madi: Peafowl
Mia: Black-footed cat
Maxwell: Rubber Boa
Connor: Bald Eagle
Brooklyn: Lilac-breasted Roller
Kirtlyn: Orange WInged Amazon
Kasen: Tarantula
Titan: Bat-eared Fox

Field Trip Reminders

Wear RED uniform shirts. PLEASE dress warm! Tomorrow it may be bad weather but we are still planning on going so bring jackets and umbrellas. 

Parents who are coming please bring a backpack to put students lunches in. 

Students need to PACK A LUNCH! Please put their lunch in a plastic or paper sack that can be thrown away. Please remember plastic silverware so parents aren’t hanging onto spoons and forks in their backpacks. 

Be to school ON TIME so we can leave promptly when the buses arrive. 

Club Contract

                     The First Grade Mad Scientist/Art Club is about to begin!!

screen-shot-2016-09-20-at-3-34-21-pmPlease click on the link below and carefully read the contract and print and turn it in to the Q1 office beginning tomorrow September 21st.

The first 20 contracts received will be contacted. 


Club Schedule: Will go from 3:00pm-3:55pm Pick up at 4pm sharp. 

October 6th
October 13th
November 3rd
November 10th
December 1st
December 8th

Writing Object

We are going to be working on using our five sense to make our writing better. To do this I have a writing activity where they get to describe an object in their writing. For this instead of finding an object at the school with a limited amount of resources outside I decided to have the students bring one from home. It can be an object outside as simple as grass or a leaf. It can be something they find inside as well. The only thing they have to make sure of is that it is flat so that it can be hid behind a piece of paper. 

Have your child bring this to school tomorrow September 21st. Thanks!

Homework for Week September 19th-23rd

YOU DO NOT NEED TO PRINT OFF EVERYTHING, YOU ARE WELCOME TO HAVE YOUR CHILD READ PASSAGES ONLINE. YOU CAN ALSO USE SHEET PROTECTORS AND DRY ERASE MATH TIMINGS TO SAVE ON PAPER. The homework tracker is for tracking minutes, number of math facts completed, and the phonics fluency story timing. 

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!)
2. Word Sorts
3. Spelling
4. Math
5. Animal Report  *Due Friday!

Each week, print out the homework-tracker which is found here  This form does NOT need to be printed or turned in for credit during weeks that we are doing ONLY READING homework. PLEASE right your child’s name at the top of this tracker. 

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Your child is required to read 20 minutes every night. This could include Raz Kids, reading books at home or our fluency passage. Here is the link to your child’s phonics-fluency-stories sheet. Please print Lesson 5 and have your child read it each night. Time them for 1 minute and have them read as many words as they can. If they get to the bottom they will go back to the top and continue reading until the 1 minute is up. Soon I will have some students doing harder passages based on where they get with reading buddies coming up. This is just to start getting into a routine. Attach this to your homework tracker. 

Your child should now have a fluency passage in their blue folder. If not I sent one home with them this week without the blue folder. PLEASE make sure your child is bringing their blue folder everyday to school. I will switch out passages weekly if they return them. These passages are another resource for reading but I am asking that you have them read it at least 3 times a week.

They need to be timed for 1 minute and then using their retell ropes (in back of sheet protector) to tell you as much as they can about the story. I do not have extra retell ropes so please have your child keep track of it. After the week I will switch out their passages and get a new one. We practiced this three times today so they should know how to do it. You do not need to record the timing anywhere.

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Here is the word sort to print : red-sort-9 

For this sort they will match the picture with the word. They need to say each word out loud while sorting. 
Each week, print your student’s assigned Word Sort by clicking on the appropriate link above.  Use the Word Sort for the following activities:
  • Monday: Print, cut, and sort your words with an adult and explain this week’s rule. Sort each word under the correct guide word. Some guide words have a C or V combination on them – C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel.
  • Tuesday: Practice the sort and write it on the back of the homework tracker. 
  • Wednesday: Blind Sort (Lay down the guide words and then read the rest of the words aloud without showing them to your child. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.
  • Thursday: Speed Sort: Time your students three times doing their word sorts and record it on the homework tracker. 

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  • Study the following “High Frequency Words” using any method you wish in order to prepare for the weekly spelling test on Fridays. 
  • There is a list of recommended spelling study activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Spelling Word Activities, but, again, you may use any method you wish.   
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  • Complete the 3 My Math homework pages all the ODDS.
  • Then time your child for 1 minute and 15 seconds on the math timing addition-and-subtraction-fluency-timings and record how many they complete. You may use a sheet protector to have them use the same one each day and wipe off.  You record how many they did on the homework tracker. 
Everyone is on 3’s except the following: 

Norah, Isla, Kasen, Maxwell, Brooklyn, Danika: 4’s
Samantha: 5’s
Ella and Kyan: 6’s 


Reports are due this Friday September 23rd! 

To get the kids excited about the zoo we are going to do an animal report. I had the kids pick an animal they could find at the zoo when we go.  Below is the animal your child chose. 

Click here to learn about your animal on the Hogle Zoo website: 
Meet the Hogle Zoo Animals
Here is another fun animal website: 

Encourage your child to use their best handwriting. The reports will be shared with the class on Friday, September 23rd. This will give them a chance to find their animal at the zoo as well.  Your child may find it beneficial to practice reading their report to you prior to reading it for our class.  

Click here to 
print additional report formsMy Animal Report

Your child’s Animal: 

Peyton: Amur Leopard
Danika: Giraffe 
Daxton: Bald Eagle
Isla: African Pancake Tortoise
Ella: Grey Wolf
Dayzi: Polar Bear
Koli: Mexican Red Kneed Tarantula
Sam: Grey Wolf
Kyan: African Porcipine
Isaac: Bobcat
Norah: Snow Leopard
Garrett: Scorpion
Camden: Polar Bear
Kyler: Shiner Perch
Matt: Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra
Preston: Grizzly Bear
Madi: Peafowl
Mia: Black-footed cat
Maxwell: Rubber Boa
Connor: Bald Eagle
Brooklyn: Lilac-breasted Roller
Kirtlyn: Orange WInged Amazon
Kasen: Tarantula
Titan: Bat-eared Fox

-Mrs. Bischoff

Hogle Zoo Field Trip Information

I just wanted to thank all the parents who have so graciously made their YEARLY field trip donation. If you haven’t had a chance to pay your donation to the office,  please do so ON OR BEFORE Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 20th. If  you are unable to donate the $15 at this time, feel free to donate $5 for now. The cost for the bus transportation is over $700. That does not include the Hogle Zoo entrance fees. Again we have so many fun 
field trips planned, we would hate to have to 
cancel them for lack of funds. 

  • Important Details:                                                                       
  • We will be lining up and heading out to the buses at 8:40. We need to be back to the bus by 1:30.  will be doing a quick student count so we make sure we have everyone, then be back on the so we won’t be late for end of day dismissal.  
  • If you are a volunteer, PLEASE plan on being here by 8:15 so I can give you your student list and go over any last minute details.
  • If you would like to bring a younger sibling,  you will need to plan on driving your own car. In years past, the entrance fee for parent volunteers has been covered by Quest, however,  please plan on bringing funds to pay for anyone OTHER your student(s) just in case.
  • Students needs to plan on wearing a RED uniform shirt that day so we can keep track of all Quest students. 
  • Students need to bring a DISPOSABLE SACK LUNCH with their name on it. Please do not pack anything that will need to be heated or refrigerated as they will just be in backpacks all day.  
  • Volunteers, you will need to bring some sort of bag or backpack in which to carry your assigned group of student’s lunches in. You may eat lunch with your students whenever they get hungry.
*I am also looking for more volunteers so if you can meet us up there or would like to ride on the bus I have 2 more spots for riding the bus and many more can drive separate! Please email me if you are able to come. 

Homework Clarification

Hey I have had some really good questions about homework that I should clarify. 

1. For word sorts they do not have guide words and won’t for a while. If they have guide words I will let you know. I will let you know of rules and oddballs. 

2. They just need to match the picture with the word and write it in the boxes on Tuesday. Even though there are extra boxes I told them just to make sure they were right by each other. 

3. If your child passed off their 3 times addition facts in class I will email you the next timing sheet for them to work on.