End of Year Feedback

Being my first year I would love some feedback on a few things. This is 100% optional but I would really love to hear some good constructive feedback on things such as homework, blog posts, permission slips etc. This is also anonymous unless you are willing to give me your name. Please click on the click below to fill out my questionaire. No field is required!

End of Year Feedback Form

Thank you all for your patience and support! I can’t believe we have a week left of the school year! I have truly loved teaching your kids and will miss them dearly! I have found myself already teary eyed at the thought of not seeing them everyday! 

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1st grade Patriotic Program Reminder!

First Grade Patriotic Concert on Thursday, May 19th  5:30-6:30pm in the Junior High gym (Q2).  Students arrive by 5:15pm, dressed in a RED SHIRT and uniform pants.  Any patriotic accessories are encouraged!! (Please avoid any tall accessories, such as tall hats, that could potentially block the view of other children standing behind your child.)  

We would like to honor the veterans in attendance, so we encourage you to invite any family or friends who have served in the military to join us.


1- We popped a balloon this afternoon and the students that get their morning work completed on Monday May 16th will be able to write in pen for the rest of the day. They will need to bring any pen they want from home. Please send your child with a pen and if they complete their work they will be able to use it. ( If you forget I do have some pens but not 25!) 

2- This week will be the last week for parents volunteers in the morning. Thanks for all of your help!! 

3- First Grade Patriotic Concert on Thursday, May 19th  5:30-6:30pm in the Junior High gym (Q2).  Students arrive by 5:15pm, dressed in a RED SHIRT and uniform pants.  Any patriotic accessories are encouraged!! (Please avoid any tall accessories, such as tall hats, that could potentially block the view of other children standing behind your child.)  

We would like to honor the veterans in attendance, so we encourage you to invite any family or friends who have served in the military to join us.

4. Friday May 20th at 9:00am we will also be performing for the school. Students will need to be in RED shirts this day as well. 


Homework Week May 16th-20th

Here is the Weekly-Reading-Log  we only have reading homework this week! LAST WEEK FOR HOMEWORK! IT IS REQUIRED SO PLEASE TURN IN ALL READING PASSAGES YOU MAY HAVE AT HOME ON FRIDAY! 🙂 

Here is the link to your child’s Fluency Recording sheet. Your child has a number click on your child’s number (at the bottom of the spreadsheet) to record their reading. 

Retell Rating Instructions: Rating is from 1-5 
1- Child could retell 1-2 details
2-Child could retell 2-3 details not in sequential order
3-Child could retell 2-3 details in sequential order
4-Child could retell 4 or more details
5-Child could retell 4 or more details in sequential order 

First Grade Patriotic Performance

FlagThe entire first grade will be performing a Patriotic Concert on Thursday, May 19th at 5:30 in the Junior High gym. Please have your child to the Junior High gym by 5:15 that evening, dressed in a RED SHIRT and uniform pants.  Any patriotic accessories, such as hairbows, pins, belts, ties, etc., are encouraged!! (Please avoid any tall accessories, such as tall hats, that could potentially block the view of other children standing behind your child.)  

We would like to honor any veterans in the audience, so we encourage you to invite any friends or family members who have served in the military to join us!  The performance will not last more than an hour.  

The first grade will be performing this same concert the next morning, May 20th, for students and faculty, so please be sure your child wears a RED SHIRT and patriotic accessories the next morning, too.


1. This is the last week for library. Library is on Thursday ALL books need to be turned in by this Thursday May 12th.  If books are not turned in or paid for then students will not be able to participate in Field Day at the end of the year. 

2. Water Bottles
In this warm weather, it is a good idea for your child to have a water bottle here in class.Water Bottle We keep our water bottles in the cubbies, and students are welcome to get a drink ANY time they want, as long as I am not right in the middle of instruction.  

Having a water bottle here in class will help eliminate the need for unnecessary trips down to the drinking fountain during this critical time in the school year when we are trying complete instruction and review for coming end-of-level tests.  

Please label the water bottle with your child’s name.  Please be sure that the water bottle is easy for your child to open and close by him/herself.  

3. Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge

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Last Full Homework Week! Week May 9th-13th

Math homework needs to be printed off. We are reviewing now and they are only electronic copies. Don’t forget math timings! Thanks! Last full week of homework! 

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!) Don’t forget to do their reading passage. A lot of students have moved up levels! Please now do the reading passage each night! 

2. Word Sorts
3. Spelling
4. Math

Each week, print out the Homework TrackerThis form does not need to be printed or turned in for credit during weeks that we are doing ONLY READING homework. PLEASE right your child’s name at the top of this tracker. 

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Your child is required to read 20 minutes every night. This could include Raz Kids, reading books at home or our fluency passage. Here is the link to your child’s Fluency Recording sheet. Your child has a number click on your child’s number (at the bottom of the spreadsheet) to record their reading. Your child should know their number. 

*Word sort groups and sorts have changed. Some students may have to redo sorts. Based on a test we took determined which sorts they needed to redo or practice again. Come talk to me if you have questions. 
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Preston red sort 12
Corbin yellow sort 10
Conner,  Kiyley, Alana  yellow sort 11
Cambrie, Colton 
yellow sort 12

Sarah, Landon, Boston, Kayden, Levi, Maddux: yellow sort 16

John, Keira, Abby 
yellow sort 21
Makenna, Jaxton, Aubree, Fallon, Marley, :yellow sort 23

Sadie, Kyler, Kayliegh, Max: yellow sort 27

Each week, print your student’s assigned Word Sort by clicking on the appropriate link below.  Use the Word Sort for the following activities:
  • Monday: Print, cut, and sort your words with an adult and explain this week’s rule. Sort each word under the correct guide word. Some guide words have a C or V combination on them – C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel. PLEASE write the sort on the back of the homework tracker. 
  • Tuesday: Practice the sort and write it on the homework tracker. 
  • Wednesday: Blind Sort (Lay down the guide words and then read the rest of the words aloud without showing them to your child. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.
  • Thursday: Speed Sort: Time your students three times doing their word sorts and record it on the homework tracker. 

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  • Study the following “High Frequency Words” using any method you wish in order to prepare for the weekly spelling test on Fridays. There are no review words.
  • There is a list of recommended spelling study activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Spelling Word Activities, but, again, you may use any method you wish.   

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*Review Words

Sentence: All three of you, come get your work. 

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  • Print off the weekly My Math homework pages (or you can use the copies that are sent home each week in your child’s backpack). Complete the My Math homework pages and staple them to the Homework Form.  The math homework worksheets below are electronic files only, so I will be unable to send hard copies of them home with your child; you will need to print the files from the links below.
  • CLICK HERE for Counting Coins Practice
  • CLICK HERE for Analog Clock Practice
  • CLICK HERE for Check_My_Progress (6)
  • Please also practice math skills regularly by utilizing any of the math activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Math Activities.  These math facts activities do not need to be documented for homework credit – they are simply a resource to help you practice math fluency on a regular basis. I strongly encourage you to have your child do the IXL math and Xtra Math regularly.
    • Complete a 2 minute timing every night for both addition and subtraction facts. Please have your child do EVERY problem in a row, not skipping any. Then draw a line where they end and they will start there the next day. PLEASE CHECK FOR ACCURACY (an answer sheet is included).  Your child should get in about 3 or 4 timings each side. If you have questions let me know. Click below to print timings worksheets (I know the bottom row got cut off – please ignore!):
    • CLICK HERE for SUBTRACTION Timings Sheet
    • CLICK HERE for ADDITION Timings Sheet