In House Field Trip/ End of Year Fun

We will be having an in house field trip on May 12th at 9am. We will not need parent volunteers. The Ogden Nature Center is coming here. They will be bringing two birds and a reptile that they children MIGHT be able to touch. Please sign the permission slip to allow your child to participate. 

Also we will be doing a count down to the end of the year. We will be doing experiments with treats, crafts, games, and more. However, your child will have to earn these by completing their work in order to participate. This is also included in the permission slip. 

Click Below
End of Year Permission Slip

Spring Pictures!!

Last call for Spring Pictures! If you would like to look at your child’s pictures to possibly purchase them please send me an email and I will send them home with your child. The money needs to be paid or pictures returned by this Wednesday May 4th! 

Pricing as follows: 

Any one sheet: $14
Any two sheets: $24
Any three sheets: $30
Any four sheets: $34
All 5 sheets: $36

Homework for Week May 2nd-6th

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!) Don’t forget to do their reading passage. A lot of students have moved up levels! Please now do the reading passage each night! 
2. Word Sorts
3. Spelling
4. Math

Each week, print out the Homework TrackerThis form does not need to be printed or turned in for credit during weeks that we are doing ONLY READING homework. PLEASE right your child’s name at the top of this tracker. 

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Your child is required to read 20 minutes every night. This could include Raz Kids, reading books at home or our fluency passage. Here is the link to your child’s Fluency Recording sheet. Your child has a number click on your child’s number (at the bottom of the spreadsheet) to record their reading. Your child should know their number. 

*Word sort groups and sorts have changed. Some students may have to redo sorts. Based on a test we took determined which sorts they needed to redo or practice again. Come talk to me if you have questions. 
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Preston red sort 11
Corbin yellow sort 9
Conner,  Kiyley, Alana  yellow sort 10
Cambrie, Colton 
yellow sort 11
Sarah, Landon, Boston, Kayden, Levi, Maddux: yellow sort 15

John, Keira, Abby 
yellow sort 21
Makenna, Jaxton, Aubree, Fallon, Marley, :yellow sort 22

Sadie, Kyler, Kayliegh, Max: yellow sort 26

Each week, print your student’s assigned Word Sort by clicking on the appropriate link below.  Use the Word Sort for the following activities:
  • Monday: Print, cut, and sort your words with an adult and explain this week’s rule. Sort each word under the correct guide word. Some guide words have a C or V combination on them – C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel. PLEASE write the sort on the back of the homework tracker. 
  • Tuesday: Practice the sort and write it on the homework tracker. 
  • Wednesday: Blind Sort (Lay down the guide words and then read the rest of the words aloud without showing them to your child. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.
  • Thursday: Speed Sort: Time your students three times doing their word sorts and record it on the homework tracker. 

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  • Study the following “High Frequency Words” using any method you wish in order to prepare for the weekly spelling test on Fridays. There are no review words.
  • There is a list of recommended spelling study activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Spelling Word Activities, but, again, you may use any method you wish.   

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Sentence: Look! I think another cat came around.

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  • Print off the weekly My Math homework pages (or you can use the copies that are sent home each week in your child’s backpack). Complete the My Math homework pages and staple them to the Homework Form.  The math homework worksheets below are electronic files only, so I will be unable to send hard copies of them home with your child; you will need to print the files from the links below.
  • CLICK HERE for My Math 2-Digit Addition Review
  • CLICK HERE for My Math Relate Addition and Subtraction Review
  • CLICK HERE for My Math Subtract Tens Review
  • Please also practice math skills regularly by utilizing any of the math activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Math Activities.  These math facts activities do not need to be documented for homework credit – they are simply a resource to help you practice math fluency on a regular basis. I strongly encourage you to have your child do the IXL math and Xtra Math regularly.
    • Complete a 2 minute timing every night for both addition and subtraction facts. Please have your child do EVERY problem in a row, not skipping any. Then draw a line where they end and they will start there the next day. PLEASE CHECK FOR ACCURACY (an answer sheet is included).  Your child should get in about 3 or 4 timings each side. If you have questions let me know. Click below to print timings worksheets (I know the bottom row got cut off – please ignore!):
    • CLICK HERE for SUBTRACTION Timings Sheet
    • CLICK HERE for ADDITION Timings Sheet

Spring Photos

camera  Spring Photos have arrived! This year I did not get proofs of your child’s picture to send out for you to view before purchasing them. Therefore, if you are seriously thinking about purchasing your child’s spring photos please email me and I will send them home with your child. If you like them and want to purchase them you will need to pay the office for them. If you see them and decide otherwise you will need to return their pictures to

POQA Reminders

First, it is time to submit nominations for the 2016-2017 POQA Board.  The following positions are open, President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.  This is a great way to continue to make Quest the BEST!!!  If you would like to submit a nomination for yourself or nominate someone else, fill out the form located in the Q1 and Q2 offices and return it to Angelee in the Q1 office by Friday, April 29th.

Second, our school Carnival is going to be 
May 20th 5-8PM at the school.  Pre-sale tickets are on sale now at a discounted price. Please go to to purchase pre-sell tickets.

Please don’t forget tonight is Spirit Night at Chick-fil-a in Riverdale from 5-7PM.  Mention Quest Academy and they will donate 25% back to the school.  Please share this with family and friends.

POQA Board

Thank you for helping make Quest the BEST!

Field Trip Reminders

1. PACK YOUR CHILD A SACK LUNCH THAT IS COMPLETELY DISPOSABLE. School lunch will not be provided. If they do not have a brown sack or grocery sack to put it in I do have some at the school I can lend out if needed. No microwaves, refrigerators, or coolers will be available. 

2. I completely forgot to remind the kids for tomorrow to wear red shirts if possible. It helps us to recognize Quest Academy kids from others that will be there. If they wore their only red shirt today then it is fine to have them wear a different color but please try to have them wear red. 

red shirt3. Please have your child wear good walking shoes and be prepared for weather conditions. We will be in the museum but we will be able to explore a fire truck outside after the museum portion of our day is done. 

4. Parents who are coming meet at the school and we will leave here at 9am. Or if you can’t meet us here go right to the museum and be there by 9:15ish. 

Chaperones: please bring a backpack or bag to hold the lunches of the students in your group. Thank you!